Greetings everyone! ♥
Since we're all human, mistakes are a fact of life. ♥
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Mistakes, we all make them,
Not one of us is exempt
For not one of us is perfect,
Even with our best attempt.
Mistakes, making them,
Are a part of everyone's life,
Through our times of joy,
As well, our times of strife.
Mistakes are a fact of life,
A reality all must recognise.
Unrealistic we are being,
If we're thinking otherwise.
Mistakes are teaching tools.
It's important that we know
Acknowledgment of's essential
To learn from them, to grow.
Mistakes, when we make them,
We feel guilt and shame,
But these feelings only linger,
If on others, we lay the blame.
Mistakes, in our character
Play a major, key role
In maintaining a humble heart,
Preserving worthiness of soul.
Mistakes, we all make them
But only those who are wise
Acknowledge their Mistakes
To right and for, do apologise.
Mistakes, since we all make them,
We are obliged to keep in mind,
To be much more understanding,
Forgiving, compassionate, and kind.
"Mistakes, when others make them,
We must remember FIRST our own,
For a rush to judgment's cancelled,
When to throw, we have no stone."
💗 Have a Blessed Day! 💗
Art design/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-03-24 04:33:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
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(See noted on image.)
"To learn from mistakes, there must be acknowledgment,
From an honest heart with sincere, true intent."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Since we're all human, mistakes are a fact of life. ♥
Mistakes, we all make them,
Not one of us is exempt
For not one of us is perfect,
Even with our best attempt.
Mistakes, making them,
Are a part of everyone's life,
Through our times of joy,
As well, our times of strife.
Mistakes are a fact of life,
A reality all must recognise.
Unrealistic we are being,
If we're thinking otherwise.
Mistakes are teaching tools.
It's important that we know
Acknowledgment of's essential
To learn from them, to grow.
Mistakes, when we make them,
We feel guilt and shame,
But these feelings only linger,
If on others, we lay the blame.
Mistakes, in our character
Play a major, key role
In maintaining a humble heart,
Preserving worthiness of soul.
Mistakes, we all make them
But only those who are wise
Acknowledge their Mistakes
To right and for, do apologise.
Mistakes, since we all make them,
We are obliged to keep in mind,
To be much more understanding,
Forgiving, compassionate, and kind.
"Mistakes, when others make them,
We must remember FIRST our own,
For a rush to judgment's cancelled,
When to throw, we have no stone."
Blog (here):
(See noted on image.)
~ Quotes by Artsieladie