Greetings everyone! ♥
I'm grateful for so many things,
For all the joys that life brings.
But I'm grateful too for lessons learned
Through those by whom I've been burned.
The good in life can't be appreciated
Without having the bad well illustrated.
So when my blessings I do count,
I do include in this vast amount
All those who have done me wrongs
To cherish more those with whom my Love belongs.
"For all those in our lives who've taught us the hardest lessons well,
If we learn to be grateful for and forgiving of, then peace within will dwell."
~ Artsieladie Quote ♥
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I am Grateful for a lot, oh, so many things,
For all the joy and pleasure life to me brings.
I am Grateful to God, for all His many Blessings,
On my life's plate, the garnishes and dressings.
I am Grateful for my blessed Mother,
For my family of like blood or other.
I am Grateful for my friends, especially those true
Who've supported me, my tough times, through.
It's easy to be Grateful for what happens in our favour
And it's what we treasure most, cling to and savour.
But gratefulness should be felt for other things as well,
Things and people who've made our life not always swell.
I'm Grateful for my life that's been tough so many times,
For giving to me material to write about in rhymes.
If my life was smooth with no challenges for me to face,
There'd be no perspicacity to draw from my inner place.
Those who have chosen to be an opposing enemy,
At first I really struggled with until I came to see
Their dislike for me was not about my wrong,
But instead, is about that which makes me strong.
People who care not or who have no inner desire
To cultivate integrity within themselves, for, aspire,
Resent those who do, the initiative, take,
Refusing to accept themselves as a common fake.
Jealousy is nothing more than inverted admiration;
Self resentment projected to ease one's frustration.
No one is ever jealous of a character trait that's bad,
But are jealous of a trait they only wish they had.
Gratefulness depends upon our own perspective,
Whether positive or negative, defines our objective.
If, in every cloud, we seek and find the silver lining,
Gratefulness, not bitterness, to, we'll be resigning.
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For all those in my life I've encountered along the way,
Who have treated me badly, I have this to say:
"Thank you for showing me what NOT to be like;
The path to steer clear of and onto never hike.
Thank you for insisting that a failure I would be,
For it stirred within a passion to be a better me.
Thank you for hurting me; it made me realise
How others feel when hurt and I can empathise.
Thanks for being greedy, thinking only of yourself;
This book you learned from is banned from my shelf.
Thanks for acting like you're so much better than I,
Showing me the ego one can't trust or upon, rely.
Thank you for all the lies and all of the deceiving.
You taught me to be more careful with my believing.
Thank you for clarifying that lying doesn't pay,
That being on the side of Truth is the only right way.
Thank you for being phony, fake, and superficial.
You taught me being true and real trumps artificial.
Thanks for your non-friendship, pretending that you care;
You taught me to appreciate true friends always there.
Thank you for showing me so many false baits,
And too, displaying the bad and ugliest of traits.
For my character building, you have provided clarity;
What traits to nurture and not to build integrity."
I am Grateful for all who have crossed my path in life;
Those who eased my burdens, those who brought me strife.
Both have been blessings and have done for me a favour;
Which to be unlike and which to be more like to savour.
For all those in my life I've encountered along the way,
Who've positively enriched my life, I have this to say:
"Thank you for inspiring me, showing me I could
Pursue and follow also, stay on the path of good.
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Thank you for encouraging and believing in me,
Appreciating my efforts and for making me see
That I have value in ways money cannot ever buy;
Those against me can't win in spite of how hard they try.
Thank you for your listening when most turned a deaf ear.
Thank you for understanding even though I wasn't clear.
Thank you for forgiving me when I messed up royally
And for giving me more chances to prove I could better be.
Thank you for your help when I find myself in need
And doing so with gladness so I don't have to plead.
Thank you for showing me giving is receiving,
And the good feeling of, is proof for believing."
For all those in my life I've encountered along the way,
Thanks because you've all had a hand in who I am today.
Those who've been a negative, the positives have trumped,
Proof positive negatives must therefore be dumped.
Gratefulness comes easily for all that makes us glad,
But Grateful we must be too for the times that are bad.
There are always silver linings and lessons to be learned,
Making gratefulness applicable also when we're burned.
I am Grateful for a lot, oh, so many things,
For the good and the bad life to me brings.
For the bad helps me to see so it's clearly understood,
My integrity's reinforced only when I'm pursuing good.
So, when I count my blessings and also give thanks for
The unpleasantries in my life I have had to endure,
I do so because the lessons learned during my toughest times
Provide knowledge to share to help others with/in my rhymes.
It's my hope, by sharing what I've learned others can benefit
And know when life gets one down, the option's not to quit,
But to seek and find the silver lining and be thankful for
And know better days are coming behind a waiting door.
💗 Have a Blessed Thanksgiving Day! 💗
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-11-16 11:28:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
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"When we're grateful for what we have and all the ways we're blessed,
We gift ourselves with peacefulness where our weary heart can rest."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
I'm grateful for so many things,
For all the joys that life brings.
But I'm grateful too for lessons learned
Through those by whom I've been burned.
The good in life can't be appreciated
Without having the bad well illustrated.
So when my blessings I do count,
I do include in this vast amount
All those who have done me wrongs
To cherish more those with whom my Love belongs.
"For all those in our lives who've taught us the hardest lessons well,
If we learn to be grateful for and forgiving of, then peace within will dwell."
~ Artsieladie Quote ♥
I am Grateful for a lot, oh, so many things,
For all the joy and pleasure life to me brings.
I am Grateful to God, for all His many Blessings,
On my life's plate, the garnishes and dressings.
I am Grateful for my blessed Mother,
For my family of like blood or other.
I am Grateful for my friends, especially those true
Who've supported me, my tough times, through.
It's easy to be Grateful for what happens in our favour
And it's what we treasure most, cling to and savour.
But gratefulness should be felt for other things as well,
Things and people who've made our life not always swell.
I'm Grateful for my life that's been tough so many times,
For giving to me material to write about in rhymes.
If my life was smooth with no challenges for me to face,
There'd be no perspicacity to draw from my inner place.
Those who have chosen to be an opposing enemy,
At first I really struggled with until I came to see
Their dislike for me was not about my wrong,
But instead, is about that which makes me strong.
People who care not or who have no inner desire
To cultivate integrity within themselves, for, aspire,
Resent those who do, the initiative, take,
Refusing to accept themselves as a common fake.
Jealousy is nothing more than inverted admiration;
Self resentment projected to ease one's frustration.
No one is ever jealous of a character trait that's bad,
But are jealous of a trait they only wish they had.
Gratefulness depends upon our own perspective,
Whether positive or negative, defines our objective.
If, in every cloud, we seek and find the silver lining,
Gratefulness, not bitterness, to, we'll be resigning.
For all those in my life I've encountered along the way,
Who have treated me badly, I have this to say:
"Thank you for showing me what NOT to be like;
The path to steer clear of and onto never hike.
Thank you for insisting that a failure I would be,
For it stirred within a passion to be a better me.
Thank you for hurting me; it made me realise
How others feel when hurt and I can empathise.
Thanks for being greedy, thinking only of yourself;
This book you learned from is banned from my shelf.
Thanks for acting like you're so much better than I,
Showing me the ego one can't trust or upon, rely.
Thank you for all the lies and all of the deceiving.
You taught me to be more careful with my believing.
Thank you for clarifying that lying doesn't pay,
That being on the side of Truth is the only right way.
Thank you for being phony, fake, and superficial.
You taught me being true and real trumps artificial.
Thanks for your non-friendship, pretending that you care;
You taught me to appreciate true friends always there.
Thank you for showing me so many false baits,
And too, displaying the bad and ugliest of traits.
For my character building, you have provided clarity;
What traits to nurture and not to build integrity."
I am Grateful for all who have crossed my path in life;
Those who eased my burdens, those who brought me strife.
Both have been blessings and have done for me a favour;
Which to be unlike and which to be more like to savour.
For all those in my life I've encountered along the way,
Who've positively enriched my life, I have this to say:
"Thank you for inspiring me, showing me I could
Pursue and follow also, stay on the path of good.
Thank you for encouraging and believing in me,
Appreciating my efforts and for making me see
That I have value in ways money cannot ever buy;
Those against me can't win in spite of how hard they try.
Thank you for your listening when most turned a deaf ear.
Thank you for understanding even though I wasn't clear.
Thank you for forgiving me when I messed up royally
And for giving me more chances to prove I could better be.
Thank you for your help when I find myself in need
And doing so with gladness so I don't have to plead.
Thank you for showing me giving is receiving,
And the good feeling of, is proof for believing."
For all those in my life I've encountered along the way,
Thanks because you've all had a hand in who I am today.
Those who've been a negative, the positives have trumped,
Proof positive negatives must therefore be dumped.
Gratefulness comes easily for all that makes us glad,
But Grateful we must be too for the times that are bad.
There are always silver linings and lessons to be learned,
Making gratefulness applicable also when we're burned.
I am Grateful for a lot, oh, so many things,
For the good and the bad life to me brings.
For the bad helps me to see so it's clearly understood,
My integrity's reinforced only when I'm pursuing good.
So, when I count my blessings and also give thanks for
The unpleasantries in my life I have had to endure,
I do so because the lessons learned during my toughest times
Provide knowledge to share to help others with/in my rhymes.
It's my hope, by sharing what I've learned others can benefit
And know when life gets one down, the option's not to quit,
But to seek and find the silver lining and be thankful for
And know better days are coming behind a waiting door.
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~ Quotes by Artsieladie