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Natural born artist, love to create, mainly through art and writing.

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Friday, December 26, 2014


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

A digital work by yours truly and another remake from work of my beginning digital art years.
"Gingerbread House"

Art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

 (original version that won in a art contest on elftown.com)
Art by Artsieladie

Full Size JPG:

Digital Art by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly  
New version: ©2014-12-25 
Original version: ©2005-12-18
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Sweet memories last a lifetime,
Become jewels from our past,
Treasures we carry always,
Making smiles always last
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Some more Merry Christmas greetings...

"Merry Christmas!"
Art by Artsieladie
Full size PNG:

Art by Artsieladie
Fill size PNG:
Art by Artsieladie
Full size PNG:
Art by Artsieladie
 Full size PNG:
Art by Artsieladie
Full size PNG:
"Merry Christmas!"

Digital Art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly  
©2014-12-25 All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Giving is the joy of living."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Some Merry Christmas greetings..
"Merry Christmas!"
Art by Artsieladie
 Full size PNG:

Art by Artsieladie
 Full size PNG:
Art by Artsieladie
  Full size PNG:
Art by Artsieladie
  Full size PNG:
"Merry Christmas!" 

Digital Art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly  
©2014-12-25 All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Giving is the joy of living."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

A special visit to the Northern Hemisphere from awesome Aussieland, 'Koala Klaus' ..and friends.
"Merry Christmas!"
Art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

"Merry Christmas!" 

Digital Art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly  
©2014-12-25 All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Giving is the joy of living."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

This nice 'kitty' wants to wish everyone a..
"Grrreat Merry Christmas!"
Art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

"Merry Christmas!" 

Digital Art by Artsieladie / Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly  
©2014-12-25 All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Giving is the joy of living.
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Some 'horsey' digital art by yours truly, this is my "Golden Promise Pegasus" carrying a banner saying "Merry Christmas - Happy New Year". The smaller versions shown here, uploaded to Google, are really small versions compared to the VERY large versions I actually created, which look great on a large screen that can accommodate the very large sizes.

There are two versions. One version, "Golden Promise - "Christ"-mas Pegasus", I entered into a Christmas contest on www.elftown.com, displayed on this wiki-page: 
..and the second version with www.elftown.com on it, I was going to enter instead, but I changed my mind and went with the first one. 

The initial Golden Promise Pegasus (just the Pegasus itself), I completed on ©2009-12-20. I placed him in these Christmas Works on ©2010-12-20.

Spreading Christmas Greetings far and wide,
As across the sky, he does soar and glide.
Merry Christmas to all with lots of cheer.
Many blessings too, throughout the New Year!
By Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly 

"'Christ'-mas Pegasus" (Golden Promise Pegasus)
Art by Artsieladie
(smaller size) 
Full 'smaller' size PNG (850x1170):
Full 'larger' size PNG  is 3,250 x 4,474.
I wrote a poem to go with and entered it in Elftown's Christmas Poetry competition the same year,  here:

Oh, thy great Pegasus, flying way up high,
Soaring across the heavens, such wonder in the sky.
Through the clouds on golden hooves you dance,
Gracefully you glide, majestically you prance.
Your shimmering wings glisten, capturing each ray of gold,
Truly an essence of beauty as legends have been told.

The prism of promise over which you leap,
Signifies God's Word, His covenant to keep:
"The land consumed, swallowed by the sea;
The earth again flooded, thus shall never be."

On this day of "Christ"-mas, was born thy Holy Child,
God's only begotten Son, so humble, meek, and mild.
With a predetermined destiny, the Deliverer of peace,
The Savior of souls, instilling hope never for to cease.

Pegasus, Golden Promise, as with honour you proclaim,
All across the universe, as you repeat His holy name:
"A merry "Christ"-mas to all and a happy New Year",
With Christ still in "Christ"-mas, believers shall not fear.

Although a legendary star of mythology, a constellation,
The message you deliver, a surreal revelation,
Is, we celebrate in the highest power, the birthday of -
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the ultimate Gift of Love!

By Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2010-12-23 04:55:15 All rights reserved.
"Christmas Pegasus" (Golden Promise Pegasus)
Art by Artsieladie
(smaller size)
Full 'smaller' size PNG (850x1162):
Full 'larger' size PNG is 3,475 x 4,750.
Originally uploaded to Elftown.com:
Pegasus art by/copyrighted to Artsieladie

Full PNG image link (Size: 2200x3029):

Featured on this Elftown wiki-page of mine as well:
My second entries, art and poetry, the same year:
Christmas art by/copyrighted to Artsieladie
PNG url:

"An Elftown Christmas!"
When the holiday season rolls around,
Here a bit more magic can be found.
Christmas, to an already enchanted land,
Adds touches of wonder in style so grand.
   There are snowflake kisses
   And the granting of wishes;
Love abounds plentifully, an infectious state,
Compassion, kindness, and hope accelerate.

New friendships are formed, old ones rekindled,
The season of cheer, celebration non dwindled.
Many races of humans, of creatures too,
All come together to rebuild and renew;
   A common dream, a union one,
   Reminiscing back to when she begun.
The dawning of a decade on the horizon near,
A Christmas to remember, a special New Year!

By Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ©2010-12-03 All rights reserved.

"Merry Christmas!"
"Happy New Year!"
Digital Arts/poetry by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly  
Golden Promise Pegasus: ©2009-12-20
Christmas Pegasus: ©2010-12-20
Poems: ©2010-12-03 and ©2010-12-23
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"All creatures great and small,
With His Love, God created them all!"
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

I Love animals, horses especially and so, I Love incorporating horses into my artwork.. my favourite subjects. This blog entry will showcase four pieces: Pinnacle, Nightstar, and then the two together. I also have these two in 'full body' but the images are large as can likely be imagined since these are head studies only.
"Pinnacle and Nightstar"
Art by Artsieladie

Full size PNG:

"Nightstar and Pinnacle"
Art by Artsieladie

Full size PNG:

"Pinnacle and Nightstar"
Art by Artsieladie

Full size PNG:


Art by Artsieladie

Full size PNG:

Horsey Art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2007/2013-09-15 All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"All creatures, great and small,
With His Love, God created them all!"

~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Some fantasy digital art of mine with a realistic flavour and with a poem I wrote to go with

"Trunk Dragon Family"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
  Full Size PNG:

We are dragons of
A unique, different sort,
Breathing fire still, but
With our trunks, we snort.

We are not aggressive,
But if we must defend,
Our trunk is then a torch from,
Shooting flames we send.

Legend has it stated
That many years ago,
Among the royal elephants,
Their prince met a foe.

His life was in danger,
Sure to meet demise,
But a family of dragons
Heard his desperate cries.

With empathy and heart,
Of union one and whole,
They defeated the enemy
And saved his little soul.

The elephants were so grateful,
That saved was their prince,
They granted trunks be given
To the dragons then and since.

And so...
The dragon family became
The Trunk Dragons, Grand,
Kindred with the elephants,
As royal throughout the land.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/  

"Love UNITES; hate DIVIDES."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie

Art by Artsieladie

Monday, December 22, 2014


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

The kitty cat in this image is Tinkerbell, belonging to my daughter and I. She passed away on Veteran's Day 2011. She lived to be 21 1/2 years old. The original photo of Tinkerbell was taken by my daughter.
"Santa Claws"
Christmas art/poems by/copyrighted to Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

"Kris-mouse Dinner"

Mmmm.. What’s this I see?
Three tasty mice for me!
All are said to be blind,
But my belly won’t mind!

"Three Surprised Kris-mice"

"It's time to hang our stockings,
But quiet we must be.
If we tippy-toe lightly,
No one will ever see."

*Gasp* "Oh my gosh!
Santa is already here!
Santa is a feline!?
Trouble is very near!"

"Hang our stockings now,
Whatever are we to do?
If we are seen by Santa Claws,
We could be in Christmas Stew!"

"Merry Christmas!" 

Art/Poems by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly  
©2010-12-25 17:03:55 (EST) - ©2014-12-22 13:44:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Know your limitations to 'delimit' yourself."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Sunday, December 21, 2014


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

We all go through difficult times in our lives, sooner or later. If we can find a way to turn something negative into a positive or if we can find the silver lining with the clouds, we gain strength to get past whatever, get through it, and arrive on the other side of the hurdle with our hope to carry on still in tact. This poem is about this. When your handed lemons in life, make lemonade and it came to me from the concept a friend posted on Facebook about. Hence, the inspirational credit goes to: Mohammad Zafarullah Khan Marwat. Thank you.
Poem by Artsieladie
Full size PNG:
(Corrected the copyright date. Was: 2024-12-19)

When in life we are given 
Lemons bitter and so sour,
Choose to make lemonade,
To ourselves empower.

Take the negative,
The bitter, sour of
And turn it into positive,
Sweeten it with Love.

I have learned to do this
I must say rather well.
My lemonade is free
For I will never sell.

The recipe is simple
With a few basic needs.
You'll need some lemons
With/without seeds.

Take those bitter lemons,
Give them many squeezes
Add in some Holy Water
Along with God's Pleases.

As you are stirring,
The bees for honey, ask
Mix in lots of laughter
To make a happy task.

Introduce some sunshine,
To bring out the sweetness of
And when it has matured,
Be sure to serve with Love!

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-12-19 08:55:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 
Original photo url:

"Bringing joy to the hearts of others, brings joy also to one's own."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Saturday, December 20, 2014


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Why is it we are more kind, more caring, more giving, and more generous all around at Christmastime? If we can be more kind, caring, and giving for one day of the year, why can't we all year spread good cheer? We would certainly have a much better world for everyone. ♥ ♥

 "Spirit Of Giving"

Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

With words ringing true, are surreal,
There's such a need for an appeal.
If we can care on just one day,
Why can't we care then every day?

When we're moved within our heart,
We must allow our voices to depart,
And make a sound to resonate
Awaken the world to help the fate
Of those forgotten, cast aside,
To make a difference and worldwide,
For there are those who cannot speak,
And so the strong must help the weak.

There is a need so immense,
Caring must become as intense,
Not by one or just a few
And not on just a day or two,
But every day, a united force,
Every ONE on just one course
To lift others who are in need,
True humanity, THIS is indeed!
We must help others without request,
This is humanity at its best!

Inside us all there is a voice,
Inside us all there is a choice,
To not just take but also give,
So that others too may live
Not plagued with hunger, in despair,
But too, can live with joy to spare.
Every human deserves the chance,
To have a better circumstance.

When we, our hearts open wide,
Allowing Love to be our guide,
We then become well aware,
Blessings given are meant to share,
So that others may too rejoice,
With a gleeful heart and happy voice.

If we can care on just one day,
Why can't we care then every day?

 "Merry Christmas!"

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-12-13 11:57:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Giving is the joy of living."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie
