Hello all, from Artsieladie! ♥
Why is it we are more kind, more caring, more giving, and more generous all around at Christmastime? If we can be more kind, caring, and giving for one day of the year, why can't we all year spread good cheer? We would certainly have a much better world for everyone. ♥ ♥
"Spirit Of Giving"
With words ringing true, are surreal,
There's such a need for an appeal.
If we can care on just one day,
Why can't we care then every day?
When we're moved within our heart,
We must allow our voices to depart,
And make a sound to resonate
Awaken the world to help the fate
Of those forgotten, cast aside,
To make a difference and worldwide,
For there are those who cannot speak,
And so the strong must help the weak.
There is a need so immense,
Caring must become as intense,
Not by one or just a few
And not on just a day or two,
But every day, a united force,
Every ONE on just one course
To lift others who are in need,
True humanity, THIS is indeed!
We must help others without request,
This is humanity at its best!
Inside us all there is a voice,
Inside us all there is a choice,
To not just take but also give,
So that others too may live
Not plagued with hunger, in despair,
But too, can live with joy to spare.
Every human deserves the chance,
To have a better circumstance.
When we, our hearts open wide,
Allowing Love to be our guide,
We then become well aware,
Blessings given are meant to share,
So that others may too rejoice,
With a gleeful heart and happy voice.
If we can care on just one day,
Why can't we care then every day?
"Merry Christmas!"
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2014-12-13 11:57:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
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"Giving is the joy of living."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Why is it we are more kind, more caring, more giving, and more generous all around at Christmastime? If we can be more kind, caring, and giving for one day of the year, why can't we all year spread good cheer? We would certainly have a much better world for everyone. ♥ ♥
Full Size PNG:
With words ringing true, are surreal,
There's such a need for an appeal.
If we can care on just one day,
Why can't we care then every day?
When we're moved within our heart,
We must allow our voices to depart,
And make a sound to resonate
Awaken the world to help the fate
Of those forgotten, cast aside,
To make a difference and worldwide,
For there are those who cannot speak,
And so the strong must help the weak.
There is a need so immense,
Caring must become as intense,
Not by one or just a few
And not on just a day or two,
But every day, a united force,
Every ONE on just one course
To lift others who are in need,
True humanity, THIS is indeed!
We must help others without request,
This is humanity at its best!
Inside us all there is a voice,
Inside us all there is a choice,
To not just take but also give,
So that others too may live
Not plagued with hunger, in despair,
But too, can live with joy to spare.
Every human deserves the chance,
To have a better circumstance.
When we, our hearts open wide,
Allowing Love to be our guide,
We then become well aware,
Blessings given are meant to share,
So that others may too rejoice,
With a gleeful heart and happy voice.
If we can care on just one day,
Why can't we care then every day?
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
~ Quotes by Artsieladie

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