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Natural born artist, love to create, mainly through art and writing.

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...to Artsieladie's Heartbeats!

Art by Artsieladie
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Welcome to my Heartbeats blog! 

I have a blog centered around my poetry. (Artsieladie Rhymetyme) I have a blog centered around quotes I write/have written. (Artsieladie Quotes) However, I am also an artist. So this blog features my art and since I often incorporate both art and poetry and sometimes quotes together in an image, there is poetry and/or a quote as well as art. As for quotes, I tend to include quotes of mine on all my blogs on both posts and pages. I have also very recently given another blog of mine a complete make-over and is now to be used for sharing some of my gazillion digital graphics and is being worked on in between my other tasks with this goal in mind. (Artsieladie Creative Corner)

How did I come up with the title,"Heartbeats"? All my creative works, whether art or writing, come from my heart. Since I couldn't think of a title I really liked, I asked a dear friend for some suggestions. She suggested "Heartbeats". It rang out to me too as being very apropos and the rest is history as they say. So, for the name, thank you, +Naomi Allen! Love you heaps and bunches! 💗 

So, I guess this is pretty much it for now. Positive, respectful feedback from my viewers is always welcome. Please feel free to comment and/or ask questions. I shouldn't have to say this, but I will for those who don't seem to know better. NO profanity and NO disrespect towards others or myself. Any comments displaying such will be deleted. I hope my works are enjoyed by my viewers.

Enjoy your visit; enjoy your stay,
💖 But especially, have a great day! 💖
Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
To check out all the posts on Heartbeats, drop by the Sitemap.
Art by Artsieladie

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