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Saturday, January 31, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Release your Inner Power! ♥ 
"Inner Power"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Be the best of you, the best of who you are;
Emancipate yourself to illuminate your star!
Accentuate your positive, in yourself believe,
All that you perpetuate, you will then receive.

Weed out all the negative, meant to dim your Light,
Cultivate the best in you, keep this in your sight.
Life will throw us curve balls when we least expect,
But we're just being tested to know what to reject.

Keep your attitude positive, be grateful everyday
For each and all your blessings that have come your way.
Remember to be kind, considerate, show compassion,
These are key positives, never out of fashion.

Do onto others as you would like done onto you,
Show respect to receive respect, this remember too.
Do not let mistakes deter you from your mission,
For they must be made for success to reach fruition.

Lessons in life must be learned, scars, some will leave,
Let them be reminders of your courage, over, not to grieve.
Life is an adventure, with each day a brand new quest,
With new challenges to face, face them with your best.

There is an Inner Power in all of us called Love,
It is the very best from which we're all made of.
We release our Inner Power, when we're the best of who we are,
And the Light that emanates outshines the brightest star!

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-08-23 17:22:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/
"When we work at being the best of who and what we are,
We radiate our Light and for others become a guiding star!"
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Don't tell your secrets of the heart to the moon! lol

 "Mr. Moon And Secrets"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

When I shared my secret with dear Mr. Moon,
He didn't keep my secret and across the lagoon,
He whispered to the breezes, although I asked him not.
Was it plumb disregard or simply he forgot?

Either way, my secret's out, with Mr. Moon to thank.
Perhaps, I'll call on the Comets, to use their tails to spank!
For now all the Universe is aware and fully knowing,
And since news travels fast, the stars are all a glowing.

The Milky Way has overflowed in the Galaxy of stars
And all this commotion has awoken Mr. Mars.
Miss Venus, still sleeping, though stirring in her dreams,
Mr. Mars will arouse her with Mr. Moon's beams.

Old Mr. Sun, the director in the know,
Is adding sunbursts to enhance the show.
So let this be a lesson, listen to my call,
Telling Mr. Moon secrets isn't wise at all.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-10-21 00:23:00 (EST)
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

Additional Credits:
Original lady image by Ylvas Design

"Often we're afraid to show Love that's in our heart,
To let the other person know what's in our truest part,
All because we're afraid of how it will be perceived
And how they'll treat the Love once they have received."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Friday, January 30, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

"Our deepest desires our conscious minds often keep suppressed
But are unleashed in our dreams, when there they are addressed."
~ Quote by Artsieladie

Someday I'll be re-inspired to finish the artwork that goes with this poem.

Art by Artsieladie

"Dreaming Lady"

*Dreaming Lady among linen and white lace,
A rose on her pillow, its petals caress her face,
Clutching a teddybear snugly warm in her arms,
Wishing it was he, the man with the charms.

As down upon her shines a radiant moonbeam,
To bring her to him, to meet with in his dream,
With her heart beating fast, words she must find
Convey to him sincerely, honestly and kind.

As she draws near enough to touch, her senses are on fire,
His smile is encouraging to spill her heart's desire.
She gently takes his hand, looks deep into his eyes,
Feels herself captivated as she begins to verbalize...

As her heart takes command to convince him he's her choice,
She begins to speak to him in her most soft, Loving voice...*

"Treat me with Respect and I'll treat you with the same.
Treat me with Dignity and you'll feel Dignified to claim.
Be Honest with me as I will be with you.
Speak to me Truthfully as with you I'll do.

Treat me as your Friend and you will be my Friend, Best.
Treat me as your Equal and you'll be Above all the rest.
Give me your Understanding when I am in need
Mine you will have always without request or plead.
Forgive me for my mistakes, all the times I will plunder,
And my Forgiveness I'll return, regardless of your number.

Treat me like a Lady and I will treat you like a Gentleman.
Appreciate my Womanliness and you'll be glad you're a Man.
Show me that you Care about my joy and happiness
And yours will be paramount for mine to address.
Share with me your troubles, concerns, and your woes
And you'll never feel alone with or against your foes.

Communicate with me clearly, do not just assume,
Ask me too to be so misunderstandings have no room.
Grant to me Patience at least to a reasonable degree
And my Patience with, for you, you'll always have from me.

Treat me like I matter in your life, have significance,
And you'll be my primary concern in any circumstance.
Treat me like I'm Special, not just anyone,
And I will do the same, you'll be my Number One.
Treat me with Kindness, Love, and Tenderness,
And I'll show you the same in my every sweet caress.

Don't forget the little things, things that mean the most,
And your cheeks will be so swollen, you'll want to boast.
With me, set aside your ego along with your pride,
Your Manliness will bloom and our Love will then preside.
Always, always be with me, yourself true and real
And no one can come between or me, away from you steal.

Treat me as your Number One and I will return the favour.
Give me all your Love and Loving, the same from me you'll savour.
Tell me how you feel inadequate, I'll show you how you're not.
Be intimate with me, and I'll show you how you're hot.

Bring me in your Heart, hold me close and tight,
You'll never feel you're lacking but only, only right.
Allow me to see your flaws and I will see your beauty,
Allow me to paint you perfect as my honour and my duty.
The pride you relinquish will then glow inside of me,
To reflect how proud I am of, for you to know, feel, and see.

Treat me like your Empress, all my Love to you I'll give.
Anywhere, my Emperor, will be our castle where we live.
As my Emperor and especially as my Man,
You will be my joy to pleasure ANY way I can.
No amount of Love could ever be too much nor too true.
Nothing can ever be too good or just enough for you.

To the Man I see who has hung the moon for me,
Touched my heart profoundly from a land across the sea,
Treat me like your Queen and I'll treat you like my King,
As the Royalty of my heart, you won't want for anything!"

*Dreaming Lady awakens and the tears flood her eyes..
For she knows her dream's just a dream she'll never realise.*

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-12-01 07:07:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
 To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.
Graphics/art by Artsieladie
Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 
Inspired by Love.

"Being in Love is grand when your Love's reciprocated,
But when your Love is not, your heart's annihilated."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Thursday, January 29, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

There is never a wrong time to show and apply Love in one or more of Love's many forms. 

"It's Always Time To Love"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

It's always time to Love.
It's always time to care.
It's always time for kindness,
To spread it everywhere.

It's always time to Love.
It's always time to hear.
It's always time for truth,
To keep our pathway clear.

It's always time to Love.
It's always time to forgive.
It's always time to let go,
So that peace may live!

It's always time to Love.
It's always time for joy.
It's always time to smile
And happiness deploy!

It's always time to Love.
It's always time to learn.
It's always time to grow,
More self worth to earn!

It's always time to Love.
It's always time to gift.
It's always time to share,
And other souls to lift!

It's always time to Love,
It's always time for caring,
It's always time for kindness,
And for goodness sharing.

It's always time to Love.
It's always time to see.
It's always time to show,
And display some empathy.

It's always time to Love.
It's always time for respect.
It's always time to be considerate,
With patience to project.

It's always time to Love.
It's always time for politeness.
It's always time for manners,
Common courtesy is rightness.

It's always time to Love.
It's always time to be grateful.
It's always time to appreciate,
And never time for hateful.

It's always time to Love.
It's always time for humbleness.
It's always time for modesty,
And to show some selflessness.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2014-05-18 07:27:00
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Our greatest Gift given to us is the Gift of Love,
Hence being created from, we’re all made of.
But it is our choice how we proceed,
Whether we starve Love or nurture Love and feed."

~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

There isn't much else to say with this poem because it more than covers the title. Don't start anything if you aren't prepared to deal with or don't wish to deal with what will transpire after igniting. ♥ 

"Don't Start The Fire"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

If you can't take the heat, Don't Start The Fire.
If you can't deal with passion, don't ignite desire.
If you can't handle REAL LOVE, then do not seek it.
If you can't accept Truth, don't pretend to speak it.
If you can't let go of ego, don't act so and profess.
If you can't relinquish pride, don't claim humbleness.

If you can't take the heat, Don't Start The Fire.
If you can't deal with REAL, don't seek to acquire.
If you can't face the music, don't play the song,
If you can't handle guilt, don't commit the wrong.
If you don't wish to pay the piper, don't run up a tab.
If you aren't up for the ride, don't hail the cab.

If you can't take the heat, Don't Start The Fire.
If you can't pay up, don't then another hire.
If you can't play by the rules, don't play the game.
If you're afraid of being burned, stay out of the flame.
If you can't ride the horse, don't saddle up.
If you can't drink what you pour, don't fill the cup.

If you can't take the heat, Don't Start The Fire.
If you dislike backlashes, don't then conspire.
If you're displeased with your reaping, change what you sow.
If your garden isn't pretty, then change what you grow.
If you don't like rough waters, don't stir up an angry sea.
If you don't like wrath, don't double cross me!

If you can't take the heat, Don't Start The Fire.
If you can't be honest, don't mandate or require.
If you don't like what you get, change what you give.
If you're unhappy with your life, change how you live.
If you can't take the heat, Don't Start The Fire.
If you can't deal with passion, don't ignite desire.

Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2015-01-24 08:11:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/
Image Credits:
Background Author: Prawny
Url: http://pixabay.com/en/photos/download/fire-268444.jpg
Match Image Author: PublicDomainPictures
Url: http://pixabay.com/en/photos/download/matchstick-20237_1920.jpg

"One who, their love does fake.. to steal a heart and thus break,
Such a person is so uncool.. so despicable and very cruel."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

I wrote this poem, an elaboration of another I wrote, early December. It has taken me almost all this time since to finally complete this image and it's not a piece with an exceptional amount of detail. It just seems I've lost my motivation to create new art at present. :(

If everyone's heart was filled with Love, there would be no hate nor acts of in this world. A concept so simple to comprehend, yet the human race finds it difficult to carry out. So much for the 'most intelligent species', eh? 
"ONE Wish"
Art/poem by Artsieladie

If I could have just ONE Wish granted onto me,
I'd wish hearts would be the means by which people choose to see,
For when hearts see with hearts, where resides Love,
Then eyes see for real, what souls are truly made of.
Hate and its affiliates would no longer stand a chance
And Love would be in the eyes' every look and glance.
Ego, ousted by humility and by the same would be replaced;
With compassion, caring, empathy, hearts would then be graced.

If I could have just ONE Wish bestowed onto me,
I know exactly what this ONE Wish could therefore only be.
I would wish that EVERY heart belonging to EVERY soul
Would have the Light of Love shining brightly on patrol.
Where there's Love, hate cannot exist nor can it survive
And a world full of Love would then truly be ALIVE!

If EVERY heart was filled with Love and with Love gave,
There wouldn’t be in existence so many we need to save
From hunger and from heinous acts of violence and war.
There wouldn’t be the terrorism that’s come to every shore.
If EVERY heart practiced Loving, kept Love front and center,
Hatred and its derivatives would be disallowed to enter
In the hearts and minds of every soul God with Love Created
And our world would be peaceful where Life is celebrated.

If I could have just ONE Wish granted, carried out and done,
My ONE Wish is for Love to fill the hearts of each and every ONE!

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
Poem: ©2014-12-04 07:07:00 (EST)
Art: ©2015-01-24 04:12:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/
"Of all the Gifts, Love is the best,
Give Love freely without request!"
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Every day on the news we hear of more violent, heinous acts of hatred. If we humans put as much effort into Loving as we do hating, this alone would make a profound difference in our world. But humans don't seem to get it. Over and over, again and again, we resort to acts of hatred to try and solve issues that mostly are a result of differences among us. Why can't we just accept we are always going to be different, we are going to therefore have differences among us? 

Just in our diversified range of having and coming from so many different cultural backgrounds, each with its own customs and ways of life as well as how we each believe, makes it impossible for us all to be alike. IMPOSSIBLE! Are humans so stupid, so ignorant, so arrogant that they can't grasp this 'elementarily obvious' fact? Why must one group, one culture, one religious group, continue to try and force others to be just like they are?

We all do not have to be alike. We all don't even have to agree with each other's way of life, beliefs, personal choices, etc. but we ALL DO have to RESPECT each other and we must RESPECT the fact we ARE different! It is always going to be this way. So why are humans continually beating a dead horse and always with devastating and catastrophic results? When are humans going to wake up and realise we just keep repeating history over and over but we humans are solving nothing?

We continually cry for peace. We keep praying to God for peace. But we just keep right on doing as we've been doing, with business as usual. We can't even resolve differences on a small scale, on a one-to-one level. We bicker, pick each other apart, use name calling, we condemn, we judge, we resent, etc.. Humans, it seems, just can't let go of their ego, their pride from ego, long enough to allow Love to work its Magic. We humans need to learn what humility is and PRACTICE it and stop feeding the ego within, keeping us from truly Loving each other. It is LOVE and all its beautiful components like compassion, forgiveness, truth and honesty, acceptance, understanding, etc. that is going to bring us all peace, not hate and its negative components like bitterness, grudges, resentment, and hatred itself. ♥ 

"Love 'n' Light Vs Hate 'n' Darkness"

In us all both resides,
But within us all we have a choice,
To choose which we'll in, rejoice.

Hate and darkness with jealousy and fear
Or Love and Light to value, endear.
We all have choices, are given free will,
To choose which vessel we will fulfill.

But remember...

For darkness there's always Light,
To guide us, to keep us...
Onto the path of right.

So should the darkness ourselves consume,
Light awaits to release us from the gloom.
For the Magic of Love prevails in Light,
Can pierce the darkest, the blackest of night.

In Love and Light, happiness reigns,
Unites in peace, everyone gains.
We each are one, but we're all "of One",
Unity is a must for the task to be done
Of peace and harmony for One and for All
And so we each must answer the call
To Unite in Love and against hate rebel,
So we all on Earth can in harmony dwell.

Art/Poems by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-01-11 15:26:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
"Hate Imprisons; Love Frees"

So, if in your heart hate doth dwell,
I pity you in your darkened cell,
For hatred imprisons its captured soul,
And eventually will devour, a costly toll.

Meanwhile a heart filled with Love,
Is filled with joy and light thereof.
And so a heart with Love is free
To live contented in harmony.

Art/Poems by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2014-01-11 16:27:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
Love 'n' Light Vs Hate 'n' Darkness"

Art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

"Love Or Hate"

Hatred or love,
Darkness or light,
Which do you choose
To be what's right?

Deceit or truth,
Shackled or free,
Which do you choose,
That'll affect you and me?

On which side are you, darkness or light?
On which side will you stand up and fight?

"...And Your Choice Is?"

Censorship OR freedom of speech,
Truth OR lies, accept and teach.
Middle ground, there is none,
It's either or, choose, must one.

If freedom of speech is your choice,
Then stand up and use your voice.
If truth is what you seek,
Then do so, learn and speak.

We are the world, we, the masses,
We must remove rose coloured glasses,
So we may see with opened eyes,
Expose what's been so disguised.

UNITE TOGETHER must be our course.
We MUST defeat hate's deadly force!

Art/Poems by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
Art: ©2013
Poem: ©2014-01-11
Poem: ©2014-01-11
Poem: ©2013-06-16
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/

Featured on my website:

"Shine your Light and the darkness can't consume.
 Fill your heart with Love and for hate there'll be no room!"
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Digital art by yours truly of a Mom rocking her baby in a cradle with a touch of the element of fantasy. The baby in the little heart, as well as in the cradle, is my little girl when she was just 4 days old, who I named after my Mom. ♥ 

Mothers hold the power to have the most influence on who their children become as adults. I don't think there is any more important role/responsibility than being a parent. This song has a lot of truth to it. It was at the top of the charts when my daughter was born: "Hall Of Fame For Mommas - The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Rules The World":

"The Hand That Rocks The Cradle"
...Rules The World.
Art by Artsieladie
(Using JPG image from Facebook)
Full Size PNG:

I've been an artist my entire life from the time I could first hold and control the movements of a pencil. I've created art in traditional mediums such as with pencil, coloured pencil, acrylics, oils, pastels, etc.. However, I didn't start working digitally until a short while after I began using a computer, which was in February, 2005. This piece following is the original version from my early digital art years, dated 2007. It was originally created to enter in an art contest on a website I was then active on. Back then as well I saved images as JPGs before the PNG format became more widely recognised and used.

Art by Artsieladie
Full size PNG:
The video:

Art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly   
Original: ©2007 - Redone: ©2013
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/
Inspirational Credit:
My Mom and my Daughter

"Many people in our life may come, stay and/or go,
But only One Mother will we be blessed with to have and know.
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Monday, January 19, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

This digital art of a steed and mounted warrior is with a very basic background here, but it is part of a much larger piece of work of mine, where they are in the courtyard of the larger work. The actual size of this piece is by itself very large, 2365×3242 (7269.4 KBs). The full, large size PNG is uploaded to my elftown.org site: http://www.elftown.org/Mainstreet/ReadyForBattle-SDonnelly-Artsieladie-2011-10-02_2365x3242.png

There is an INCREDIBLE amount of time spent on the details of especially with the warrior's attire and the horse's tack, which can be seen best by viewing the full, large size. This is not a statement of complaint or regret however. Focusing on details is challenging trying to make them as perfect as I can and it's in the time spent on the details that ultimately makes a work good or great.

But not only in regards to what we take on as a task to master but in life in general. Paying attention to and not forgetting the details, the seemingly insignificant or small things in life, expresses the most how much we care for and about each other. This same is what helps tremendously to bond and keep bonded two people in a relationship. 

In the investigative field, it's in the details of a case where the inconsistencies are found, thus leading one or ones investigating to being able to solve a case. It's in the details where a person can be proven to be trustworthy and reliable or just another fake to one degree or another.

..And I happen to like challenges, which is a good thing since my life has been nothing short of being a series of challenges to one degree or another, in one form or another. Therefore, I'm accustomed to challenges and time consuming tasks. Nothing has come easy to me. I've had to work for everything I've ever had or do have in my life. One might think then I suppose, that I would instead try to avoid challenges but not so, at least not with me. There's a certain sense of accomplishment one acquires when they work for something and achieve success that wouldn't otherwise be realised or have the ability to build one's self worth, esteem, and confidence. When you know you've surmounted tough hurdles before, you then have the strength and confidence that you can do so again. ♥ 
 "Ready For Battle"

Horse Art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNGs:
Full size: 2365×3242: http://www.elftown.org/Mainstreet/ReadyForBattle-SDonnelly-Artsieladie-2011-10-02_2365x3242.png
Google (1200×1645): https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi0weonzSoICqzfyA8rXCABO9b3B0pazDTjVnYcSilTVp_Qomaqw1ti4Lx7rQBgNyfb-fHiR4VsMqFuh1M6NKWLec6OkA4gjXeVzmHdCZFYvVRofq6WbUtQmi9rWbEINcaXUrDQrk8rUcE/s1645/ReadyForBattle-SDonnelly-Artsieladie-2011-10-02_1200x1645.png

"Sir Hans"

Take me in your arms,
Bring me aboard your steed;
Whisk me away with you to a place
Untouched by jealousy, hate, and greed.

Into the sunset, together let us ride,
Arm in arm and always side by side.
Rescue my weary heart with your velvet touch;
Protect it from evil forces having tread on it so much.

Take me to a place where truth and love prevail,
Free from shark infested waters, calmer seas to sail.
Fight off all the demons like you always do.
Wrap me in your arms and keep me close to you!

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly   
Poem: ©2011-10-05 
Art: ©2011-10-02
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Blog (here):
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com 
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com
Inspirational Credit:
My best friend of many years, 'my knight', +Hans Galversson.

"The measure of a man is not in his physical strength,
Tough exterior, or financial successes,
But in his gentleness of spirit, kindness of heart,
And compassionate soul, he possesses."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

This piece of digital art is featuring my Magical Maiden, Galadriel, the unicorn. She is one of the main characters in a story I wrote: "The Magic Of The Unicorn". This is only 'part' of a much larger art piece of mine.♥ 
A magical maiden and eyes of jade,
With a loyal heart for a king was made;
A unicorn of beauty, outside and in,
Upholder of truth, opposer of sin.
Art by Artsieladie
PNG url:
Google (max will show: 1505×2048): 
"The Unicorn's Plea"

I'm the purity, the light, the truth.
I live deep in your dungeon, deep inside of you.
But will you allow me to shine, have my debut?

I am the way. I'm magical. I am healing.
You cage my spirit deep inside,
The place where only darkness can reside.

Misery has consumed you. You have succumbed.
Sadly you have forgotten all about me,
That I am still here. I can set you free.

For although I am trapped, locked within,
My light still flickers, hoping yet to see,
That you will come, that you will come for me.

You look to those who treat you as a fool.
You no longer have the hunger, nor do you care,
To release yourself from that you needn't bear.

Your polyester friends speak with forked tongue,
But you see not the tangled webs they have spun,
Nor the tightly woven wool, covering what they've done.

Even though in darkness, your prisoner I am kept,
My tears still flood to wash your burning eyes,
The persistent void, you cannot from me disguise.

If I could only pierce your heart to heal thy pain,
But first you must see me, know that I am here.
You drown me with alcohol to abate your fear.

I yearn for your happiness, an epitome of joy.
I stir within. I shudder from the chill.
My pleading screams go unheard, but still...

My faith in you is strong and so I wait
For you to see, to hear, to come...
To release us, this prison, from.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
Poem: ©2008-11-20
Art: ©2009-04-19
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 
"Be careful on who you shut the door;
They may be the Love you're searching for!"
"Where Love is prevailing, hope survives,
Fueling courage we need in our troubled lives."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Eight years ago today, 2007-01-18, the news I had so dreaded to ever have to hear came, my Mom left this world and although I know she's in a much better place, I miss her as much now as I did when she passed on, if not more. I was told by many missing her would get easier but it doesn't. ..And with the way the world is and getting worse day by day, I long to join her more every day.

Cherish always your beloved Mother for like her in your life there'll be no other. L♥ve you, Mom!!! 
"My Hero - Mom"

Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

My dearest, sweet Mother
Like you, there's no other.
A true lady personified,
Always humble, dignified.
With tenacity, embraced,
Every challenge you faced.
With dedication immense,
Determination intense,
With courage abounding
And strength astounding,
Your values remained,
Integrity sustained.

The life you forged was one of giving.
The joy of others was your joy of living.
You asked for little, but gave so much.
You sought no praise, yet, did so touch,
The lives of many, close or not.
Your legacy of valor shan't be forgot.
You are My Hero. You always will be
And forever you live inside of me.
My tribute to you is to live and aspire,
To be as honourable as you, I seek and desire.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-12-13 11:57:00 (EST) 
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/
Inspirational Credits:
My Mother!!!

"Many people in our life may come, stay and/or go,
But only One Mother will we be blessed with to have and know."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Friday, January 16, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

In our lifetime we can and likely will have many friends. But.. we only have ONE Mother and when one's Mom passes away, the surrealism of her being gone will hit you like nothing ever will in your life if one is blessed with a great Mom as I have been. There will never be a day that I won't be missing her but I do have the solace knowing that I talked with her a lot, spent time with her, and made sure she KNEW how much I Loved her and will always Love her. We can never get back the missed opportunities to spend with and talk to those dear to us we Love and lose. ♥ 
"Nobody's Home"

She stepped on the walkway of crumbling concrete,
Familiar terrain albeit to her infrequent feet.
As she glanced around, memories from the past,
Flooded her thoughts, memories made to last.

There was no hurry in her step and when at the door,
She felt more hesitation and tarried a bit more.
She hadn't been here in too long awhile,
Always just too busy with her lifestyle.

But she pushed aside the nagging, guilty pang,
Pressed the doorbell button, listened as it rang.
Her dog barked and whimpered in anticipation,
Had waited so long to see her, excited elation.

As she stood waiting, her thoughts she did explore,
Rehearsing what she'd say with the opened door.
A few moments passed but the door remained closed.
Again pressed the button, emotions still composed.

Again the dog carried on with his anxious cries.
Where was the one inside began the asking whys.
But then she thought, I'll go to the other door,
Where she could enter and see why, to implore.

As she made her way in, though the dog was glad,
She felt a gripping panic, a sinking feeling, sad.
Then she heard the Angels' Choir singing from on High.
The soul had gone Home before she could say good-bye.

And the Angels sang...
"There's nobody here to open the door!
There's no body here, this home, any more.
We've carried away
This soul today
To Eternally Rest on God's Heavenly Shore."

All the times she was too busy, the things she'd meant to say,
Now the chances were all gone with no another day.
Everyone who had come before, everything, and other,
Were now so unimportant for gone was now her Mother.

Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2015-01-16 19:08:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

"Unspoken words of today can become our great regrets of tomorrow."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

I've heard it said by many that "digital art" isn't really art. Well, I beg to differ. Many of my digital works have consumed, not hours of time, not even just days, but have taken weeks, months, and even over a year. I have created works that have consumed HUNDREDS OF HOURS of time!

In this piece the wolf is one of three I created to use on a children's website I moderated with one as Little Red Riding Hood (here), one as a sheep, and one as a pig. They are altogether in a piece I created titled, "Three Halloween Guests". Therefore, the wolves are an art project/work in and of themselves. Also, I Love to create for children.

The trees and vegetation are another. Originally I created several different leaves and used them singularly as well as I clustered them in several different ways and added them to the various tree frames and many different types of branches and so, ultimately I created a large variety of trees. Even the "elven mice" are a project/work in and of themselves.

Therefore, not only is there mega amounts of time in the works within this work, but as well the work involved creating 'this' piece. Just for the record, the PSD file for this piece is 299 MBs, which when compared to other PSD files of other works of mine which go into several GBs each, this one is medium sized. lol
 "Come Hither"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:
"Little Red Riding Hood Wolf"
(Without the poem)
Art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

“I’m just a handsome fella’ dressed in my crimson hood.
Look into my soft, brown eyes, charming, kind, and good.
See my grin from ear to ear, showing my pearly whites.
I wouldn’t more than nibble! I’d NEVER take big bites!

My fur is warm and soft. If you come near you’ll see.
Don’t you want to cuddle close and cozy up with me?
These goodies in my basket I’ll gladly share with you.
As you enjoy the yummies, I’ll enjoy some yummy toooo!

Come Hither! Come Hither! Please, enjoy each tasty treat!
My mouth’s already watering as I think of who...
*coughs* ..pardon me..
I mean of what I’ll eat!”

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly   
Poem: ©2015-01-15 19:56:00 (EST)
Art: ©2013-03-30
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/
"Beware of the wolves who among us walk,
Disguised as kind but with forked tongue, talk."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie