Hello all, from Artsieladie! ♥
Finding Love is the relatively easy part. The Love once found, must be cultivated by both of the two in Love with each other. They both must be committed to the Love between them to not only keep it alive but also so the Love will thrive and Love that endures over time through the testing life does and still remains strong becomes then True Love. ♥
"True Love"
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True Love cannot be found, for it's cultivated Love,
That is nurtured and cherished by only those of
Who are committed to another, selfishness surpassed,
Who are willing to run the course to make the Love last.
True Love for most is just a dream and is nothing more
Because few have what it takes for Love to mature.
True Love evolves from Love being tried and tested
And those who stay the course, steady and invested.
True Love does depend and relies upon the heart
Of the two committed not of the physical part.
The heart is made to Love, to grow and to maintain.
Since True Love's everlasting, the physical can't sustain,
True Love, the rarest of gems for even when Love is found,
Few can take the ride required across uneven ground.
True Love requires sacrifice from both hearts involved,
With acute awareness that issues must be resolved.
Love can only last and blossom into True
When Honesty is practiced by both, the two.
Being Real is an extremely important factor,
The stage kept genuine without actress or actor.
Respect for each other is an absolute must.
Without Respect mutually, the Love will be a bust.
Clear Communication rules out assumptions to be made
That can crack the foundation to weaken Love and fade.
Egos must be kept in check and never come between
And ego's derivative, pride, kept vacant from the scene.
Compassion must be present, must be the daily bread,
With Kindness of words and gestures upon each other spread.
Forgiveness must and always play a key, top role,
For grudges and resentment become a costly toll
When mistakes are made and will be on each side.
With Forgiveness front and center, Love will then preside.
For True Love to unfold from the Love being found,
Friendship between the two will maintain a solid ground.
Romance must be nurtured to keep alive the magic,
For should the fire go out, the result could be tragic.
Frequent reminiscing, a review of memories made,
As new ones are added but with the old not to trade.
Expand upon the Love album with no limit set,
Making more memories to cherish and not forget.
From where the Love began, allow no memory lapse,
The attraction will stay fresh to resist a Love collapse.
For where the Love had its beginning, the initial spark,
Is also what will keep the Love from succumbing to the dark.
The initial attraction holds the beauty of the other's heart
And when kept in sight, the beauty won't depart
When life piles on its ugliness with great dimension,
The beauty won't be lost or caught up in dissension.
True Love cannot be found, for it's cultivated Love,
That is nurtured and cherished by only those of
Who are committed to another, selfishness surpassed,
Who are willing to run the course to make the Love last.
Poem/Design by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2015-02-07 04:30:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
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"True Love is a Garden of Love cultivated by two,
Two hearts committed to their Love to turn it into True."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Finding Love is the relatively easy part. The Love once found, must be cultivated by both of the two in Love with each other. They both must be committed to the Love between them to not only keep it alive but also so the Love will thrive and Love that endures over time through the testing life does and still remains strong becomes then True Love. ♥
True Love cannot be found, for it's cultivated Love,
That is nurtured and cherished by only those of
Who are committed to another, selfishness surpassed,
Who are willing to run the course to make the Love last.
True Love for most is just a dream and is nothing more
Because few have what it takes for Love to mature.
True Love evolves from Love being tried and tested
And those who stay the course, steady and invested.
True Love does depend and relies upon the heart
Of the two committed not of the physical part.
The heart is made to Love, to grow and to maintain.
Since True Love's everlasting, the physical can't sustain,
True Love, the rarest of gems for even when Love is found,
Few can take the ride required across uneven ground.
True Love requires sacrifice from both hearts involved,
With acute awareness that issues must be resolved.
Love can only last and blossom into True
When Honesty is practiced by both, the two.
Being Real is an extremely important factor,
The stage kept genuine without actress or actor.
Respect for each other is an absolute must.
Without Respect mutually, the Love will be a bust.
Clear Communication rules out assumptions to be made
That can crack the foundation to weaken Love and fade.
Egos must be kept in check and never come between
And ego's derivative, pride, kept vacant from the scene.
Compassion must be present, must be the daily bread,
With Kindness of words and gestures upon each other spread.
Forgiveness must and always play a key, top role,
For grudges and resentment become a costly toll
When mistakes are made and will be on each side.
With Forgiveness front and center, Love will then preside.
For True Love to unfold from the Love being found,
Friendship between the two will maintain a solid ground.
Romance must be nurtured to keep alive the magic,
For should the fire go out, the result could be tragic.
Frequent reminiscing, a review of memories made,
As new ones are added but with the old not to trade.
Expand upon the Love album with no limit set,
Making more memories to cherish and not forget.
From where the Love began, allow no memory lapse,
The attraction will stay fresh to resist a Love collapse.
For where the Love had its beginning, the initial spark,
Is also what will keep the Love from succumbing to the dark.
The initial attraction holds the beauty of the other's heart
And when kept in sight, the beauty won't depart
When life piles on its ugliness with great dimension,
The beauty won't be lost or caught up in dissension.
True Love cannot be found, for it's cultivated Love,
That is nurtured and cherished by only those of
Who are committed to another, selfishness surpassed,
Who are willing to run the course to make the Love last.
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/
Two hearts committed to their Love to turn it into True."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie