Hello all, from Artsieladie! ♥
There are just some wounds from life that never completely go away even when the cause of the wound(s) is done with. Since we can't rid ourselves entirely of them, we have to find a way to live with them, accept the fact they are a part of who we are. We must incorporate them into our being without wreaking havoc with our emotions, without giving us more pain and inflicting pain on others attempting to rid ourselves of these wounds and the pain thereof. How well we succeed depends on our approach, our attitude. Negative begets negative. Hatred and bitterness begets more of the same and perpetuates resentment, denies forgiveness to be possible, and keeps the wounds fresh and on the surface.
Everything we endure in life has a silver lining, although there are some things that seem like they do not have and the proverbial silver lining is very difficult to identify. But keep searching for that silver lining and when you find it, your attitude will become more positive and positive begets more positive. Enabling the inversion process, finding positive in negative, empowers us because we won't then feel we've been put through whatever it may be for nothing. Once we have uncovered the positive, we can then build on and give power to the positive instead of continually allowing the negative to be in control of us.
We have no dominion over others, their actions/behaviours and their choices, only over ourselves. We are the captain of our ship. We either aspire to sail among happier, more placid waters or we settle for remaining in the rougher seas. We must aspire for the fore, for the breaks, where we can recoup our strength, courage, and sustainability because there will be more rough seas to come. This is inevitable in life. If we don't have these breaks, we will become more and more susceptible to being and feeling negative, inviting within us a state of hopelessness and a destruction of our self worth, our own value as a human being.
Hence, my quote:
“When we understand there's a purpose for our misfortunes and learn to use them to help others, to understand, to have compassion and empathy for others, especially in their time of need, we then empower ourselves to invert our misfortunes into blessings of unspeakable value, affording us the ability to negate the negative energy and darkness and transform it into positive energy and light.”
~ Artsieladie Quote. ♥
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
Of memories engraved, no time can steal.
Hearts are tender, easily scarred
Will often be for always marred.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
There's endless bleeding and pain to feel.
The heart will try to offset, rebound,
Strengthen itself to work around.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to mend,
Remaining parts must rely, upon depend
Where from and of a strengthened state
Is obtained, either by Love or by hate.
When Wounds are deep beyond repair
How they're handled will then declare,
Whether the heart will rise in Light above
Or succumb to darkness, refusing Love.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
We try to numb them, pretend unreal,
But avoidance reaps more pain to face,
For seclusion of, breeds self disgrace.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to remove,
We must invert them to ourselves improve,
Use them as lessons, remind us to care,
That others too have Wounds to bear.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to erase,
We must accept them, face with grace.
When the pain of Wounds renders us sobbing,
Seek then more Love to ease the throbbing.
When Wounds run deep, too deep to negate,
Often we're tempted to, in the bitters of hate,
Bury them deeper out of mind and sight,
Denying their existence to us seems right.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
Only Love can soothe, make us better feel.
Though Love won't wipe all of our pain away,
Love provides us strength with courage to stay.
So, when Wounds cut deep with pain surreal,
If we call on Love to intervene, help us deal
With the bitter woes, pain of, life will give,
Wounds won't steal from us our joy to live.
"When Wounds come deep, too deep to abolish,
Let Love show how they can, our character polish."
As long as our hearts are kept open, receptive,
Love will reign within with its Light reflective.
Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2015-06-06 12:51:00 (EST)
All rights reserved.
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"When Wounds come deep, too deep to abolish,
Let Love show how they can, our character polish."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
There are just some wounds from life that never completely go away even when the cause of the wound(s) is done with. Since we can't rid ourselves entirely of them, we have to find a way to live with them, accept the fact they are a part of who we are. We must incorporate them into our being without wreaking havoc with our emotions, without giving us more pain and inflicting pain on others attempting to rid ourselves of these wounds and the pain thereof. How well we succeed depends on our approach, our attitude. Negative begets negative. Hatred and bitterness begets more of the same and perpetuates resentment, denies forgiveness to be possible, and keeps the wounds fresh and on the surface.
Everything we endure in life has a silver lining, although there are some things that seem like they do not have and the proverbial silver lining is very difficult to identify. But keep searching for that silver lining and when you find it, your attitude will become more positive and positive begets more positive. Enabling the inversion process, finding positive in negative, empowers us because we won't then feel we've been put through whatever it may be for nothing. Once we have uncovered the positive, we can then build on and give power to the positive instead of continually allowing the negative to be in control of us.
We have no dominion over others, their actions/behaviours and their choices, only over ourselves. We are the captain of our ship. We either aspire to sail among happier, more placid waters or we settle for remaining in the rougher seas. We must aspire for the fore, for the breaks, where we can recoup our strength, courage, and sustainability because there will be more rough seas to come. This is inevitable in life. If we don't have these breaks, we will become more and more susceptible to being and feeling negative, inviting within us a state of hopelessness and a destruction of our self worth, our own value as a human being.
Hence, my quote:
“When we understand there's a purpose for our misfortunes and learn to use them to help others, to understand, to have compassion and empathy for others, especially in their time of need, we then empower ourselves to invert our misfortunes into blessings of unspeakable value, affording us the ability to negate the negative energy and darkness and transform it into positive energy and light.”
~ Artsieladie Quote. ♥
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
Of memories engraved, no time can steal.
Hearts are tender, easily scarred
Will often be for always marred.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
There's endless bleeding and pain to feel.
The heart will try to offset, rebound,
Strengthen itself to work around.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to mend,
Remaining parts must rely, upon depend
Where from and of a strengthened state
Is obtained, either by Love or by hate.
When Wounds are deep beyond repair
How they're handled will then declare,
Whether the heart will rise in Light above
Or succumb to darkness, refusing Love.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
We try to numb them, pretend unreal,
But avoidance reaps more pain to face,
For seclusion of, breeds self disgrace.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to remove,
We must invert them to ourselves improve,
Use them as lessons, remind us to care,
That others too have Wounds to bear.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to erase,
We must accept them, face with grace.
When the pain of Wounds renders us sobbing,
Seek then more Love to ease the throbbing.
When Wounds run deep, too deep to negate,
Often we're tempted to, in the bitters of hate,
Bury them deeper out of mind and sight,
Denying their existence to us seems right.
When Wounds are deep, too deep to heal,
Only Love can soothe, make us better feel.
Though Love won't wipe all of our pain away,
Love provides us strength with courage to stay.
So, when Wounds cut deep with pain surreal,
If we call on Love to intervene, help us deal
With the bitter woes, pain of, life will give,
Wounds won't steal from us our joy to live.
"When Wounds come deep, too deep to abolish,
Let Love show how they can, our character polish."
As long as our hearts are kept open, receptive,
Love will reign within with its Light reflective.
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Let Love show how they can, our character polish."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie

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