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Natural born artist, love to create, mainly through art and writing.

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Saturday, December 16, 2017


Greetings everyone!

This Pegasus image/art, black and gold, Majestic Beauty with gold, is MY work, but the thieves out there are stealing, using, and adding MY work to their collections, offering MY work to be used by others, for which they do NOT have MY permission to do so, to use nor to reproduce/redistribute and are even omitting MY name as the creator/artist! All doing so I am reporting for copyright violation. 

MY original black and gold Pegasus, I uploaded to www.elftown.com, intended for Elftown members to use ONLY "as is", on Elftown ONLY in their houses and on their wiki-pages. But the thieves (non-members) have completely disregarded MY copyright rights. The Elftown wiki-page MY black and gold Pegasuses are displayed on is: http://www.elftown.com/wiki.html?name=%2aartsie%27s%2a%20pegasus%20-%20gold%20%26%20black 

This version of MY black and gold Pegasus, however, I just reworked/redid and is now much better quality and has a more appropriate mane and tail that actually goes with a flying Pegasus. 

"Majestic Beauty"
~ Black and Gold Pegasus ~
Pegasus art by Artsieladie, copyrighted
Full Size PNG:

Among the stars, black as night,
On wings of gold, shimmering bright,
A gallant steed of mythical fame,
Thy great Pegasus is the name.
Pegasus graphic art by/copyrighted to Artsieladie
PNG url:
With power and grace, soaring free,
Throughout the endless galaxy,
A Majestic Beauty forever flies,
Supremely reigning. Behold the eyes!
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Other versions depicting my original black-n-gold Pegasus art, originally uploaded to www.elftown.com:
Pegasus art by/© to Artsieladie 
Pegasus art by/© to Artsieladie
PNG urls:
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💗 Have a Blessed Day! 💗
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2017-12-14 All rights reserved.
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💖 📖 ✍ 💖 🎨 🖌 💖

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

Additional Credits: Original background
Author: PublicDomainPictures 
Url: https://pixabay.com/en/sunset-landscapes-sunrise-cloud-20398/

"In the eyes of the beholder, the beauty lies,
When through the heart's vision, we visualize."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie