Greetings everyone! ♥
I'm sorry to my readers that I haven't posted in my blogs for awhile. Every year is a bit tough for me to get through, beginning with Thanksgiving, through Christmas, and then throughout the month of January.
I lost my beloved Mother eleven years ago, January 18, which makes this time of year especially difficult for me. Regardless of what anyone may say, a profound loss never gets any easier to cope or live with. You just have to find a way to carry on without them and for the most part you do, but not without moments and times that are more difficult than the rest.
However, besides this, one year ago on January 28th, 2017, I also lost my beloved sister to cancer. She lived a clean, honest, faithful to God, life. She didn't smoke, drink, or engage in an unhealthy living style whatsoever. She was a modest, reserved, studious, intellectual type with integrity and valued human values. Yet, she was afflicted with the dreaded and horrific disease of cancer.
As I will and often do when I'm going through an emotional overload, I have been lost on my computer with my art. Not only is being creative at the core of my being with art and writing, it is also very therapeutic for me.
In the past I used to be able to work on my computer and be online at the same time. So I didn't usually get lost lost while delving into being creative. Now, however, and since October 4th, 2015, when the computer programmer (who has been stalking me and invading my privacy since at least the beginning of 2007, hacking into my computers and phones) destroyed my computer's harddrive, I now do not put my computer online, making spending time on it creating a separate activity from my online time. Besides this, anything I do on my computer I have to move onto a flashdrive and plug it into then, my Chromebook. Because of this inconvenience I tend to work on my computer until I get a considerable amount done before I follow through as I've explained. Often I don't even realise I've been on my computer a long time without also going to my Chromebook to go online. When I do take a brief break from my computer, it's usually because my daughter or my sister has brought something or wants to bring something to my attention. Even then though, if I'm heavily involved with an artistic endeavor or endeavors, my stay online is brief because of wanting to get back to it/them.
Working with/on my computer is especially enjoyable for me now since Mr. Spy On Me can no longer access my computer to see and watch everything I'm doing on it as he used to do, which he proved to me beyond all doubt when I had convinced him I needed to re-create a particular event back in 2009, which implicated him and his 'extra curricular activities' related to his 'watching/stalking/playing his mind games' with me. When he thought I "needed to" re-create the event, he proceeded to do a number of things to prevent me from fulfilling my mission, which in turn proved to me that he KNEW what I was doing on my computer, thereby incriminating himself even more.
A close male friend of mine had asked me to carry out the project because he suspected Mr. Spy, if he was guilty of invading my computer, would inevitably prove he was. ..And Mr. Spy did exactly this. So then I wrote where I knew Mr. Spy would see what I wrote that my friend was smarter than he. This hurt Mr. Spy's ego and so then he had to prove "he" was the smarter one and then proceeded to access my computer and move a file from one folder to another, a brand new one I had just created, and then back to it's original place, AND this while my friend and I watched in complete astonishment. Mr. Spy HAD TO PROVE to me what all he is capable of doing, HAD TO PROVE I was wrong about my friend being smarter than him. But in so doing, he volunteered more incriminating evidence that he was hacking into my computer. Arrogance makes its host do really stupid things!
I dare say that most people who use a computerized device, such as a computer or a cell phone, are completely unaware of how vulnerable the majority of us users are for someone with extreme, extensive computer technology skills to gain access to us, everything about us, through the tech devices we use. But NOT I! Mr. Spy has taught me impeccably well, has burned me indescribably so, and I've become incredibly, acutely aware of just how unconscionably malicious a person can be through the wrongful use of computer technology. I can't hate such a person because it's been made crystal clear how pathetic his life must truly be to engage himself in such vile, detestable behaviour. I can only feel sorry for such an individual who apparently believes his life, his self, is so worthless he has to resort to such drastically low measures as his purpose in life.
To add another delay in my being online, I was sickened on February 11th by drinking 3-4 ounces of a brand of buttermilk I've never had before from Kate's Creamery. I'm just now starting to feel better. Hopefully, I will be posting more often. However, my online presence does not and will not ever take precedence over my life offline, my real life. As much as I enjoy having and posting on my blogs, my life and people in my life whom I Love dearly, come first, is and always will be my primary focus and concern. Hence, I post on my blogs as "my life permits". Be safe and God bless everyone! ♥
"Romance In The Air"
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Hope your Valentine's Day was a wonderfully special occasion.
💗 Have a Blessed Day! 💗
Art by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2018-02-14 All rights reserved.
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💖 📖 ✍ 💖 🎨 🖌 💖
Blog (here):
"When Love is in the air with feelings electrified,
Romancing of two hearts cannot be denied."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
I'm sorry to my readers that I haven't posted in my blogs for awhile. Every year is a bit tough for me to get through, beginning with Thanksgiving, through Christmas, and then throughout the month of January.
I lost my beloved Mother eleven years ago, January 18, which makes this time of year especially difficult for me. Regardless of what anyone may say, a profound loss never gets any easier to cope or live with. You just have to find a way to carry on without them and for the most part you do, but not without moments and times that are more difficult than the rest.
However, besides this, one year ago on January 28th, 2017, I also lost my beloved sister to cancer. She lived a clean, honest, faithful to God, life. She didn't smoke, drink, or engage in an unhealthy living style whatsoever. She was a modest, reserved, studious, intellectual type with integrity and valued human values. Yet, she was afflicted with the dreaded and horrific disease of cancer.
As I will and often do when I'm going through an emotional overload, I have been lost on my computer with my art. Not only is being creative at the core of my being with art and writing, it is also very therapeutic for me.
In the past I used to be able to work on my computer and be online at the same time. So I didn't usually get lost lost while delving into being creative. Now, however, and since October 4th, 2015, when the computer programmer (who has been stalking me and invading my privacy since at least the beginning of 2007, hacking into my computers and phones) destroyed my computer's harddrive, I now do not put my computer online, making spending time on it creating a separate activity from my online time. Besides this, anything I do on my computer I have to move onto a flashdrive and plug it into then, my Chromebook. Because of this inconvenience I tend to work on my computer until I get a considerable amount done before I follow through as I've explained. Often I don't even realise I've been on my computer a long time without also going to my Chromebook to go online. When I do take a brief break from my computer, it's usually because my daughter or my sister has brought something or wants to bring something to my attention. Even then though, if I'm heavily involved with an artistic endeavor or endeavors, my stay online is brief because of wanting to get back to it/them.
Working with/on my computer is especially enjoyable for me now since Mr. Spy On Me can no longer access my computer to see and watch everything I'm doing on it as he used to do, which he proved to me beyond all doubt when I had convinced him I needed to re-create a particular event back in 2009, which implicated him and his 'extra curricular activities' related to his 'watching/stalking/playing his mind games' with me. When he thought I "needed to" re-create the event, he proceeded to do a number of things to prevent me from fulfilling my mission, which in turn proved to me that he KNEW what I was doing on my computer, thereby incriminating himself even more.
A close male friend of mine had asked me to carry out the project because he suspected Mr. Spy, if he was guilty of invading my computer, would inevitably prove he was. ..And Mr. Spy did exactly this. So then I wrote where I knew Mr. Spy would see what I wrote that my friend was smarter than he. This hurt Mr. Spy's ego and so then he had to prove "he" was the smarter one and then proceeded to access my computer and move a file from one folder to another, a brand new one I had just created, and then back to it's original place, AND this while my friend and I watched in complete astonishment. Mr. Spy HAD TO PROVE to me what all he is capable of doing, HAD TO PROVE I was wrong about my friend being smarter than him. But in so doing, he volunteered more incriminating evidence that he was hacking into my computer. Arrogance makes its host do really stupid things!
I dare say that most people who use a computerized device, such as a computer or a cell phone, are completely unaware of how vulnerable the majority of us users are for someone with extreme, extensive computer technology skills to gain access to us, everything about us, through the tech devices we use. But NOT I! Mr. Spy has taught me impeccably well, has burned me indescribably so, and I've become incredibly, acutely aware of just how unconscionably malicious a person can be through the wrongful use of computer technology. I can't hate such a person because it's been made crystal clear how pathetic his life must truly be to engage himself in such vile, detestable behaviour. I can only feel sorry for such an individual who apparently believes his life, his self, is so worthless he has to resort to such drastically low measures as his purpose in life.
To add another delay in my being online, I was sickened on February 11th by drinking 3-4 ounces of a brand of buttermilk I've never had before from Kate's Creamery. I'm just now starting to feel better. Hopefully, I will be posting more often. However, my online presence does not and will not ever take precedence over my life offline, my real life. As much as I enjoy having and posting on my blogs, my life and people in my life whom I Love dearly, come first, is and always will be my primary focus and concern. Hence, I post on my blogs as "my life permits". Be safe and God bless everyone! ♥
Blog (here):
~ Quotes by Artsieladie

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