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Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Greetings everyone!

Halloween is great for stirring the imagination. 

"Halloween - 2018"
Halloween-2018 art/poetry by/copyrighted to Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

It's all Hallow's Eve, with tricks up their sleeve,
Trick or treaters have begun their descending
Upon this spooky night, packed with fright,
Along with spirits of all sorts attending.

As Casper says, "Boo" and the owl says, "Who-o"
And Jack's face is lit up and bright;
The raven's arrived and is still unwived,
No change in his loveless plight.

The moon has risen, free of daylight's prison,
And now sheds light on an earth below,
That's ready and waiting and anticipating
Another grand and spooktacular show.

Over tall, naked trees, wherever they please,
Witches, on their brooms fly high,
Not wishing to spar, avoid bats' radar,
Searching for food in the sky.

With moans and groans and rattling of bones,
Skeletons start their waking and stir,
To rise from their bed, the unresting dead,
As the wind gossips among the fir.

Goblins and ghosts and all such ghoulish hosts,
Are out and about for their party time.
Unmasked, naturally scary, all living be wary
And even before the midnight chime.

Now on the prowl, the werewolves howl,
Each one a starving, treacherous beast.
The thirsting vampires with bloody desires,
Are seeking necks to gorge on and feast.

Fast asleep is the sun. Hallow's Eve's begun.
As screams echo the sound of fright and fear;
The creepy are walking; prey, they're stalking,
Reaping souls before the dawn gets here.

To be up for the task, do wear your mask,
For you must blend in with the scene,
To keep safe through the night, hidden from sight,
And to survive the night of Halloween!

🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
💗 Have a Blessed Day! 💗
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
Art: ©2018-10-28 11:57:00 (EDT) 
Poem: ©2018-10-28 12:18:00 (EDT)
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

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Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/

"When true to ourselves and real we live,
We need no mask for an illusion to give."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Greetings everyone!

Wounded Healers have learned these lines well (from my poem, "Gifted By God"):

"Oftentimes, when with our life, we're dissatisfied,
We give in and accept that our misery's justified.
But just one adjustment, a change to/in our objective,
Can make all the difference when we alter our perspective.

When we understand why there are struggles in our life,
All with silver linings in spite of stress and strife,
We afford ourselves the ability to negate the negative,
Transform it into positive to be wiser how we live.

Not only wiser but more humble with our ego more subdued
To be more considerate of others, instead of callous, rude.
We're all a work in progress with each our own path to carve;
Who we are, become, depends upon what traits we feed or starve." 

Inspired by my dear friend, Naomi, Delilah, and all the Wounded Healers, who inspire us to have the courage, strength, and perseverance we need to get through our own struggles and challenges, by conquering and rising above their own painful experiences, whether they be physical, emotional/mental, or both, as is often the case, this poem needed to be brought out into the Light. Writing it, I thought of all those who have faced and who are facing great battles in their life, but instead of allowing them to define them, they 'choose' to define themselves through faith, hope, and courage, while maintaining Love and the traits of Love in their heart, instead of wallowing in self pity, with bitterness and resentment in their heart.

To post this poem, I wanted to also display with it an example of a true "Wounded Healer", and this lady, Delilah, surely fits this role. She uses her well known show to bless others, to encourage others, to spread the Message of Love. I listen to her show almost every night through the radio station I listen to, B95.5, WYJB-FM, which, if you look in the lower right hand column of this blog, you'll see I have there embedded a live stream to my radio station Delilah's show is aired on from 7:00 - Midnight, Eastern time. But it will only show on the "http" version of my blog currently, because I haven't figured out how to make it show over the "https" one. I'm not one who is savvy with technical stuff. You can listen to Delilah, however, at: https://www.iheart.com/live/delilah-4846/ and Delilah's website is: https://www.delilah.com/ 

Hence, I'm sharing this video, with Delilah talking with Robin Roberts, another lovely specimen of a beautiful soul, who has also faced and through her personal struggles and challenges, has inspired so many. These are people we need to inspire us through our own struggles and challenges. These are our best examples of human heroes, along with our service men and women, our firefighters, our police officers, and our emergency responders. 

We tend to get all gaga over movie actors/actresses, entertainers, sports players, politicians (regardless of what office they hold), wealthy people, etc., but they aren't our heroes. Our heroes are those who make a positive difference; who influence our lives in a positive way; who inspire us to want to keep the faith, to hang in there, to hold onto hope, and to remind us we have value, not in our wallets, but within us, within our hearts, and we each matter and have importance. 

Anyone who knows me well, knows I'm not one who gets all excited over a celebrity, entertainer, politician, etc.. I'm not one who publicly honours the same, either. So, when I do, you can bet I'm doing so because I believe in the person I'm honouring and because I want the person to KNOW they are valued and appreciated, which I do for/with the same thoughts and reasoning, when I compliment anyone. There's little point in saying words that aren't meant and felt within your heart. I'm a firm believer in "Credit earned is credit due", as well. I only advocate for those and what I believe in and I don't receive compensation for doing so, nor do I have any desire to. My blogs are simply for sharing with others the Gifts God blessed me with, creativity through writing and art, in the hopes others will in turn feel blessed in some positive way as well. 

"If we compliment more, criticize less,
Hearts respond, minus bitterness."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

"With words of kindness, generous be;
While words to criticize use sparingly. 
Give compliments without hesitation;
Criticize with caution and reservation."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

From my poem, "Thank You, Leticia":

"When we know we're appreciated, we feel positive and uplifted;
We feel blessed with worthiness and with value we feel gifted."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

Since I'm not one who gets excited or goes gaga over celebrities and such, I likewise feel no need whatsoever to go to a show to watch a performance, singing or otherwise. I can think of much better ways to use the money such would cost. I've never had much money, but I'm not a materialistic person, either. Even if I had more money, I highly doubt I would be wasteful with it, simply because 'things' aren't what matters most. Lives do and lives in need especially do. For e.g., clothes at a thrift store or a yard sale, as long as they are still in good, wearable condition, are just as good as those in the store, where they cost a lot more, and wearing them is more than fine with me. Practical is wisest, I think, but there's nothing more practical, more fitting than helping someone in need. 

I recall a number of years ago now, when I was about to leave a Stewart's Shop. I had bought gas for my car, milk, and a few other needed items and I had just $20 left to my name. But that $20 I held onto in case we'd need something else in the near future before I was able to earn more. As I was leaving, a woman approached my car and wrapped on my window. She clearly was desperate for help and was crying. 

She told me her situation and I remember thinking, "Suppose this is a con. I only have $20." But then I thought, "Suppose she really is in need and if I don't help her, then what?" The latter thought outweighed the fore and so, I gave her my last $20. I even felt bad that I didn't have more to give her. She was so grateful and she said it was enough as we both said to each other, "God bless you." 

There's a point, a moral, to this true story and it is, giving to another from the heart, without expecting anything in return, is NEVER a bad thing, only good. If the receiver is unappreciative, is pulling a con, or chooses to give a negative response for whatever reason, how they receive, react, or reply, has NO bearing on the giving or the giver. The giving cannot be made into something bad. I gave her my last $20, but what I received in return is priceless, in spite of expecting nothing. The feeling inside I felt knowing I had done something, though very small, for another that made their life a little better, a little easier, all the money and possessions in the world cannot facilitate. My advice: Don't worry about giving. Just give and give from the heart. The giving reflects well on you. How your giving is taken, whether appreciated or not, reflects on the receiver. So, don't ever let fear of how your giving will be received, stop you from giving. 

Back to Delilah, if you're looking for, yearning for, more than the everyday bickering, bitterness, and overall disrespect so well portrayed in our world today, especially on the Internet, and you want to listen and connect to/with something/someone positive, inspiring, exhibiting and promoting Love, caring, respect, etc., I suggest to give a listen to Delilah. In this bleak and troubled world, she is surely a powerfully bright ray of sunshine, who shines the Light of Love this world so DESPERATELY needs. ..And her latest book, which I'm going to purchase, which I view as practical, since inspiration is priceless, is "One Heart At A Time". The link to: https://www.oneheartatatime.com/ 

Like Delilah, I so believe in the awesome and tremendous power of Love. Love is the only true Magic and I believe that God's Message to the world, to all His Children, is to "Love one another". I believe in God. My religion is Love. 

"If only in your heart is sowed and grown Love,
There can be no hate and bitterness to ever then speak of."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

"If we'd each give a little, it would add up to a lot
And not a single soul would then ever be forgot."

~ Artsieladie Quote 

"Peace and harmony help to create
By spreading Love instead of hate."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

"Instead of allowing our differences to bring about division,
We should embrace our differences to magnify our vision."
~ Artsieladie Quote 

"Wounded Healers"

The strongest of those among us are
The Wounded Healers who have fought,
Against all the odds they've faced,
Disallowing any being all for naught.

Through trials and tribulations,
Through much suffering and much pain,
Their will and spirit succumbs not,
Denying satan, their soul, to gain.

Many wounded walk among us
Caused by pain of many types,
But keep their pain invisible
With few complaints or gripes.

The wounded souls, who among us
Have learned well to cultivate
The right perspective to inspire us,
We should honour and celebrate.

The tragedies they've endured,
The injustices they've survived
With pain and grief immeasurable,
Yet, have risen above and thrived.

Warriors of substance, valiant,
With values deeply in engraved
Cannot be defeated nor to pity
Be servants to, enslaved.

Though with ample reasons to seek
The path of hatred's bitter traits,
They hold more fiercely onto Love
And what Love in us cultivates.

Wounded Healers do not wallow
In a quagmire, pitying their pains,
But invert negatives into positives
By changing losses into gains.

With immense courage unrelenting
Fueling their strong determination,
Their unwavering perseverance,
Makes them our best inspiration.

Their choice to rise above
And preserve their dignity
Gives proof of their resilience
In no greater human capacity.

There are many Wounded Healers
Who've suffered and have grieved,
Not deserving human vileness,
Though innocent, they've received.

Regardless of what pain
Or by what means derived,
Wounded Healers show us best with
How they've conquered and survived.

Wounded Healers are among us;
Angels, with wings and without,
Exemplary souls showing us what 
Faith, hope, and Love are about.

They are our shining stars
Who show for us the way
How faith and courage works
To reap, in spite of what we pay.

Wounded Healers use their own pain
To help others then to heal,
Since they understand perfectly
And relate to the pain others feel.

When we, ourselves, are suffering,
We can look to them and gain
The strength we need to carry on,
Knowing we can rise above our pain.

Wounded Healers are our heroes
Who fight adversity with grace.
They are our grandest champions
Who inspire the entire human race!

💗 Have a Blessed Day! 💗
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2018-10-11 21:43:00 (EDT) 
All rights reserved.
To see more posts, check out the Sitemap.

💖 📖 ✍ 💖 🎨 🖌 💖

Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/ 

Inspirational Credits:
My dear friend, Naomi, who has, with great odds against her, risen above all and is a blossoming, beautiful soul, whom I admire, respect, adore, and cherish more than mere words could ever hope to convey. 

Delilah, the uplifting, inspirational lady I listen to on her radio show. Though we've never met or even spoken to each other, I have and feel a tremendous amount of respect for her. Spreading the Message of Love, as she does, there is NO better, NO greater, NO more needed message than of Love. 

"When we close the door to ordinary, the door to 'fitting in',
We welcome 'extraordinary' to commence in us, begin."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie