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Friday, October 20, 2017


Greetings everyone!

I used to belong to and moderate a children's website, which was a Heddate site, but is now defunct and is currently a Japanese website. I like to work with and create for children and this crossword puzzle is just one of the many fun things I did for the children on the former children's site. I originally created it in 2006 and just a couple days ago I gave it a makeover. I'm posting it now so children can enjoy doing it. If anyone wants the answers, contact me and I'll be more than happy to send the answers to you.

"Halloween Crossword Puzzle"
(Puzzle Page)
Halloween Crossword Puzzle/art by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

(Clues Across - Page 1)
Halloween Crossword Clues/art/poetry by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Halloween Crossword Clues - Page 1 - ACROSS:

The witch is wearing a pointed (3)_ _ _.
My sis said (4)_ _ _ as a (5)_ _ _ _ _ cat!
The (7)_ _ _ _ _ has eyes, dark and (9)_ _ _ _ _.
My (11)_ _ _ _ slipped off, down my back.
There's always (12)_ _ _ _ _ on (14)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,
To (16)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us all with (18)_ _ _ _ _ _ unseen.
The skeleton's (19)_ _ _ _ _ rattle. The (22)_ _ _ hoots.
The (23)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ needs to be cut from its roots.
Just don't expect a (25)_ _ _ _ _ from the (28)_ _ _ _ _ _ tonight.
Their (29)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is real, designed to fright.
Each (31)_ _ _ _ _ _ glistens; a (32)_ _ _ just missed.
The (33)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ house presents a mysterious twist.
A (39)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ howls, as a (40)_ _ _ (42)_ _ _ _ _ chants.
The (43)_ _ _ _ _ _ she brews, causes a (44)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to dance.
(Clues Down - Page 2)
Halloween Crossword Clues/art/poetry by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

Halloween Crossword Clues - Page 2 - DOWN:

Leaves of (1)_ _ _ _ _ _ and red cover the ground.
I (2)_ _ _ _ _ _ as a mouse scurries around.
My (3)_ _ _ _ is a response to the owl close by.
A witch on her (4)_ _ _ _ _ flies high in the sky.
The steps (6)_ _ _ _ _ as I descend.
A (8)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pops out from around the bend.
A steaming (9)_ _ _ _ is bubbling hot.
I look for my (10)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, which I forgot.
In my quest for (13)_ _ _ _ _,  (15)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ swarm.
Ghouls and (17)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ suddenly form.
Giant (20)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ have webs they've spun.
All is (21)_ _ _ _ _ _, a weird kind of fun.
A (24)_ _ _ and a (26)_ _ _ _ _, both jet black,
I squawk loudly as they (27)_ _ _ _ _ _ right back.
A red hot (30)_ _ _ of cast iron metal
Must be a witch's brewing kettle.
A giant pumpkin, catches my eye
Someone had started to (31)_ _ _ _ _, a (34)_ _ _ _ _, but why?
Why did they stop? Where'd they go?
Yikes! A (35)_ _ _ _ from behind, (36)_ _ _ _ _, I know!
I peer through the (37)_ _ _ _ _, trying to gather my grits.
I'm clearly so frightened out of my (38)_ _ _ _!
Some say it's (40)_ _ _ _ and legend and such,
But I know differently for the (41)_ _ _ _ night, indeed, doth clutch.

🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
💗 Have a Blessed Day! 💗
Art/Poetry/Puzzle by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2006-10-31 (original)
©2017-10-31 (remake)
All rights reserved.
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Website: www.artsieladie.com
Blog: http://artsieladie-creative-corner.blogspot.com/
Blog (here): http://artsieladie-heartbeats.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-quotes.blogspot.com/
Blog: http://artsieladie-rhymetyme.blogspot.com/

"Life is like a puzzle and a series of, no doubt,
With an endless supply of clues, to life, figure out."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

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