Greetings everyone! ♥
Halloween is almost here... ♥
"Spirits' Summons"
~ Newer/remake version ~
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Stirring, stirring...
Dellaroo stands, smiling over her pot,
Stirring up a potion, bubbling hot.
"Come one, come all!
It's time for a spiritual ball!"
She spews forth a chant, repeated in three.
She dances with joy, tickled with glee.
As the vapors rise, forms appear.
Her summons' been heard, far and near.
A wicked grin creeps across her face,
An assortment of spirits all over the place.
"Spirits come forth! Arise! Arise!
Come! Come! Reveal thyselves before my eyes!
Ghosts! Ghosts! Condense your matter.
Your chains create a melodic clatter.
Goblins and ghouls, conspire, contrive.
The hunt begins when you all arrive."
Stirring, stirring...
Dellaroo looks around, her heart aglee.
Piercing the veil of darkness she doth see.
So many eyes of perilous demise,
Each in their own unique disguise.
"Is everyone here? Practice your gloom.
Perfect your craft. The darkness consume.
The instillment of fright has begun,
As this haunting commences, bring on the fun!"
Stirring, stirring...
”The hour of twelve, ready, set, prowl.
The wolves, awakened, are starting to howl.
Go forth now. Frighten your best.
Many souls await you in your quest.
Utilize those closets and beds, underneath,
Perfect places to rattle and chatter your teeth.
Add some wailing moans, but don't call it quits,
‘Til you've scared all the living out of their wits!"
Stirring, stirring...
🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
Poem - ©2006
Art - ©2006 (original) - ©2013 (remake)
All rights reserved.
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"Because their presence gives us a fright,
Our demons within we hide from sight."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Halloween is almost here... ♥
Stirring, stirring...
Dellaroo stands, smiling over her pot,
Stirring up a potion, bubbling hot.
"Come one, come all!
It's time for a spiritual ball!"
She spews forth a chant, repeated in three.
She dances with joy, tickled with glee.
As the vapors rise, forms appear.
Her summons' been heard, far and near.
A wicked grin creeps across her face,
An assortment of spirits all over the place.
"Spirits come forth! Arise! Arise!
Come! Come! Reveal thyselves before my eyes!
Ghosts! Ghosts! Condense your matter.
Your chains create a melodic clatter.
Goblins and ghouls, conspire, contrive.
The hunt begins when you all arrive."
Stirring, stirring...
Dellaroo looks around, her heart aglee.
Piercing the veil of darkness she doth see.
So many eyes of perilous demise,
Each in their own unique disguise.
"Is everyone here? Practice your gloom.
Perfect your craft. The darkness consume.
The instillment of fright has begun,
As this haunting commences, bring on the fun!"
Stirring, stirring...
”The hour of twelve, ready, set, prowl.
The wolves, awakened, are starting to howl.
Go forth now. Frighten your best.
Many souls await you in your quest.
Utilize those closets and beds, underneath,
Perfect places to rattle and chatter your teeth.
Add some wailing moans, but don't call it quits,
‘Til you've scared all the living out of their wits!"
Stirring, stirring...
~ Original/first version ~
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