Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie! ♥
Art/poem in Loving memory of my dear sister, Carol, but to her family, she was affectionately known and Loved as "Tussie". I know you are at peace with our Lord. Love you and miss you. ♥
"New Angel"
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"New Angel"
A brand New Angel heaven has acquired,
From earthly toil, you have been retired.
As the trumpets sound and the angels sing,
On a pure white horse, God did bring
You, a child of His, Home to forever rest
With Him eternally to be forever blessed.
God, His Message, was visually sent,
Divinely designed with pure intent
To inform a heart true onto Him
His Light of Love would never dim;
With the hour near for eternal reward,
On a pure white steed soon you'd board.
God knows our hearts, just how to speak
To all His children, each of us unique.
He chose for you a horse of pure white
Knowing you'd recognize from Who on sight.
To reassure you, you'd not be forsaken;
His Message, clear, not to be mistaken.
God sent His Message because He is pleased;
With animal friends so your heart was eased.
Knowing animals with you hold a special place,
He chose His creatures to deliver His Grace.
His creatures of three, all white He chose
Is because what we feel, He always knows.
Dear Sister, I've always looked up to you,
Since from my childhood but always in view;
Your art, your smarts, your common sense;
Your faith in God despite pain intense.
Our Love for horses we'll always share;
For all God's Creatures, we'll always care.
So many who Love you, now in despair,
Know you're with God, now under His Care.
Though hearts are heavy with tremendous grief,
Knowing you're at peace offers us some relief.
Your pain, your suffering, there'll be no more
Now that you've entered Heaven's golden door.
Know you are Loved so deep in our heart;
You'll always be in our most cherished part.
New Angel, enjoy your new pair of wings;
With Heaven's Choir, your voice now sings.
A new star's been born in the Heaven's sky;
I know with no doubt the reason why.
Extend our Love to your beloved son, our Mother,
All those we've loved and lost and our dear brother.
Rest in peace now my sister dear.
In my heart close, always you'll be near,
Until the day for which I pray,
When God calls me Home with Him to stay.
I miss you; I Love you and always will.
Our memories made must do until
The day again when we'll be embracing,
With smiles of joy and no burdens facing;
Just peace and contentment, in abundance of,
Flavoured and garnished with all God's Love.
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly ©2017-02-02/04
Poem: ©2017-02-02 04:12:00 (EST) Art: ©2017-02-04
All rights reserved.
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Additional Credits:
Original doves and wings courtesy of
Author: Pewter7
"Loved ones are given angel wings when they pass away
To watch over us until we too, shall join them on our passing day."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art/poem in Loving memory of my dear sister, Carol, but to her family, she was affectionately known and Loved as "Tussie". I know you are at peace with our Lord. Love you and miss you. ♥
A brand New Angel heaven has acquired,
From earthly toil, you have been retired.
As the trumpets sound and the angels sing,
On a pure white horse, God did bring
You, a child of His, Home to forever rest
With Him eternally to be forever blessed.
God, His Message, was visually sent,
Divinely designed with pure intent
To inform a heart true onto Him
His Light of Love would never dim;
With the hour near for eternal reward,
On a pure white steed soon you'd board.
God knows our hearts, just how to speak
To all His children, each of us unique.
He chose for you a horse of pure white
Knowing you'd recognize from Who on sight.
To reassure you, you'd not be forsaken;
His Message, clear, not to be mistaken.
God sent His Message because He is pleased;
With animal friends so your heart was eased.
Knowing animals with you hold a special place,
He chose His creatures to deliver His Grace.
His creatures of three, all white He chose
Is because what we feel, He always knows.
Dear Sister, I've always looked up to you,
Since from my childhood but always in view;
Your art, your smarts, your common sense;
Your faith in God despite pain intense.
Our Love for horses we'll always share;
For all God's Creatures, we'll always care.
So many who Love you, now in despair,
Know you're with God, now under His Care.
Though hearts are heavy with tremendous grief,
Knowing you're at peace offers us some relief.
Your pain, your suffering, there'll be no more
Now that you've entered Heaven's golden door.
Know you are Loved so deep in our heart;
You'll always be in our most cherished part.
New Angel, enjoy your new pair of wings;
With Heaven's Choir, your voice now sings.
A new star's been born in the Heaven's sky;
I know with no doubt the reason why.
Extend our Love to your beloved son, our Mother,
All those we've loved and lost and our dear brother.
Rest in peace now my sister dear.
In my heart close, always you'll be near,
Until the day for which I pray,
When God calls me Home with Him to stay.
I miss you; I Love you and always will.
Our memories made must do until
The day again when we'll be embracing,
With smiles of joy and no burdens facing;
Just peace and contentment, in abundance of,
Flavoured and garnished with all God's Love.
~ Quotes by Artsieladie

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