Greetings everyone, from Artsieladie! ♥
America is being destroyed because of greed.
Dedicated to all our American Veteran Heroes who have sacrificed so much to protect and preserve our Constitutional Rights, Freedoms and Americans' safety. We Americans are indebted immeasurably to all our Veteran Heroes. We must honour them by standing together as United Americans seeing to it all that our Heroes sacrificed for, is not taken away from us by those who seek huge financial gains for themselves alone. ANYONE, including our government, our politicians, CIA, etc., who jeopardizes Americans' rights, freedoms, safety, and so forth, is an abominable disgrace for such individuals profoundly dishonour and desecrate all that our service men and women have given to, sacrificed for our country, with so many who have sacrificed the ultimate by giving up their lives. Our American Heroes did NOT make the sacrifices they did for the greedy elite, the greedy corporations, to bleed our country and Americans dry nor to make America a puppet for or a part of a one world government. Our Heroes gave their lives TO KEEP AMERICA FREE!! It is our responsibility as Americans to make damn sure, AMERICA REMAINS FREE!! We can ONLY accomplish this as a UNITED PEOPLE.
United, we stand; divided, we fall;
It is up to us ALL to make the call.
We either honour, preserve, and save
Or forfeit and dishonour all who gave.
When we work together to keep America free,
We honour those who gave ALL to make us be;
But against each other, using forces of hate,
We forfeit freedom’s sacrifices and desecrate.
~ Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ♥
"The Eagle Cries"
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Across spacious skies the eagle flies
Over mountains, valleys, and plains;
On majestic wing but with no song to sing
For the greedy are robbing all gains.
A nation's seeds of many colours, creeds,
Created with liberty and justice for all;
Divided is wrong when united is strong,
But division now threatens her to fall.
The eagle's land once so grand,
The home of the brave and free
Is under the spell of the wicked cartel,
While sleeping eyes wake not to see.
The eagle weeps as darkness creeps
In shadows across this great land.
Our freedom's story, once of glory,
Now written by the elitists' hand.
For all the lives lost, the ultimate cost,
The Eagle Cries, shedding rivers of tears,
As the greedy elite conspire to defeat
America, the eagle trembles in fears.
Though the eagle still soars over her shores
Where once was widespread brotherly Love,
The Eagle Cries down now over many a town,
A dismal view is the sight from up above.
For all the many lies, in shame The Eagle Cries;
The deafened hear not its piercing screams
Of the eagle, forlorn, as it trumpets to warn
The People and the threat to our dreams.
From uncertain skies The Eagle Cries,
Shuddering, gripped with fears;
Over America, the great, of uncertain fate,
Her majesty fading, reflects in eagles' tears.
Across spacious sky will the eagle again fly
Over a land where people united, stand,
Proud and free from sea to shining sea,
Under God's Grace and Guiding Hand?
Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly
©2016-11-11 08:31:00 (EST) All rights reserved.
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In honour of all those who sacrificed their lives
for our country and our freedoms.
"Freedoms aren't free; they come at a cost
Of many lives sacrificed, ultimately lost."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
America is being destroyed because of greed.
Dedicated to all our American Veteran Heroes who have sacrificed so much to protect and preserve our Constitutional Rights, Freedoms and Americans' safety. We Americans are indebted immeasurably to all our Veteran Heroes. We must honour them by standing together as United Americans seeing to it all that our Heroes sacrificed for, is not taken away from us by those who seek huge financial gains for themselves alone. ANYONE, including our government, our politicians, CIA, etc., who jeopardizes Americans' rights, freedoms, safety, and so forth, is an abominable disgrace for such individuals profoundly dishonour and desecrate all that our service men and women have given to, sacrificed for our country, with so many who have sacrificed the ultimate by giving up their lives. Our American Heroes did NOT make the sacrifices they did for the greedy elite, the greedy corporations, to bleed our country and Americans dry nor to make America a puppet for or a part of a one world government. Our Heroes gave their lives TO KEEP AMERICA FREE!! It is our responsibility as Americans to make damn sure, AMERICA REMAINS FREE!! We can ONLY accomplish this as a UNITED PEOPLE.
United, we stand; divided, we fall;
It is up to us ALL to make the call.
We either honour, preserve, and save
Or forfeit and dishonour all who gave.
When we work together to keep America free,
We honour those who gave ALL to make us be;
But against each other, using forces of hate,
We forfeit freedom’s sacrifices and desecrate.
~ Artsieladie/Sharon Donnelly ♥
Across spacious skies the eagle flies
Over mountains, valleys, and plains;
On majestic wing but with no song to sing
For the greedy are robbing all gains.
A nation's seeds of many colours, creeds,
Created with liberty and justice for all;
Divided is wrong when united is strong,
But division now threatens her to fall.
The eagle's land once so grand,
The home of the brave and free
Is under the spell of the wicked cartel,
While sleeping eyes wake not to see.
The eagle weeps as darkness creeps
In shadows across this great land.
Our freedom's story, once of glory,
Now written by the elitists' hand.
For all the lives lost, the ultimate cost,
The Eagle Cries, shedding rivers of tears,
As the greedy elite conspire to defeat
America, the eagle trembles in fears.
Though the eagle still soars over her shores
Where once was widespread brotherly Love,
The Eagle Cries down now over many a town,
A dismal view is the sight from up above.
For all the many lies, in shame The Eagle Cries;
The deafened hear not its piercing screams
Of the eagle, forlorn, as it trumpets to warn
The People and the threat to our dreams.
From uncertain skies The Eagle Cries,
Shuddering, gripped with fears;
Over America, the great, of uncertain fate,
Her majesty fading, reflects in eagles' tears.
Across spacious sky will the eagle again fly
Over a land where people united, stand,
Proud and free from sea to shining sea,
Under God's Grace and Guiding Hand?
Full Size PNG:
Of many lives sacrificed, ultimately lost."