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Saturday, January 31, 2015


Hello all, from Artsieladie!

Don't tell your secrets of the heart to the moon! lol

 "Mr. Moon And Secrets"
Art/poem by Artsieladie
Full Size PNG:

When I shared my secret with dear Mr. Moon,
He didn't keep my secret and across the lagoon,
He whispered to the breezes, although I asked him not.
Was it plumb disregard or simply he forgot?

Either way, my secret's out, with Mr. Moon to thank.
Perhaps, I'll call on the Comets, to use their tails to spank!
For now all the Universe is aware and fully knowing,
And since news travels fast, the stars are all a glowing.

The Milky Way has overflowed in the Galaxy of stars
And all this commotion has awoken Mr. Mars.
Miss Venus, still sleeping, though stirring in her dreams,
Mr. Mars will arouse her with Mr. Moon's beams.

Old Mr. Sun, the director in the know,
Is adding sunbursts to enhance the show.
So let this be a lesson, listen to my call,
Telling Mr. Moon secrets isn't wise at all.

Art/Poem by Artsieladie /Artsieladie Sharon Donnelly 
©2014-10-21 00:23:00 (EST)
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Additional Credits:
Original lady image by Ylvas Design

"Often we're afraid to show Love that's in our heart,
To let the other person know what's in our truest part,
All because we're afraid of how it will be perceived
And how they'll treat the Love once they have received."
~ Quotes by Artsieladie
Art by Artsieladie

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